Walking on Railway line in Uganda could land you in jail – URC

KAMPALA-Uganda Railways Cooperation (URC) a body mandated to construct and maintain Railway lines, as one of the means to fight vandalism of railway equipment, has ordered all individuals.

People walking along Namanve – Namiryango railway line (Photo credit: URC)

Who had made it a tendency to walk along the railway lines, to stop with immediate effect.

“Some of these people disguise as ‘walkers’ for the sole purpose of stealing railway material. This is a switch at interfreight, Nakawa, that has been vandalized in a period of 2 months. URC will commence operations to arrest and charge walkers with trespass and theft.” Reads part of URC’s official communication released on Monday 24th June 2024.

This followed the vandalization of the Railway switch at Inter freight Nakawa, Kampala district which is costly and has greatly affected railway operations.

A photo of the Vandalized switch at Interfreight Nakawa (Courtesy photo)

“Walking and riding along a railway line is tresspass and an act of vandalism. Such activities weaken the core of the infrastructure.”

It should be noted that most of these railway lines in areas where the train operates and were it ceased operations, are used as short cut routes by Pedestrians and some boda riders since they tend to have no traffic Congestion compared to the roads.

The Rehabilitation of Railway lines is on going country wide and it commenced in April 2023 with removing the old steel sleeper line from Kampala Mukono.