Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) and its Commissioner through their legal Director have asked Nakawa Chief Magistrates court to dismiss the case which was filed by City Lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi challenging Government’s order requiring every motor cycle and vehicle to have digital number plates fitted on it at owner’s cost.

In his case , Mabirizi informed court once implimented , the Government’s action will result into infringing on to other citizens’ fundamental right to property and privacy enshrined in Articles 26 and 27 (2) under chapter four of the Constitution.
In an affidavit Sworn by Patricia Ndagire , Legal Services and Board Affairs Department of Uganda Revenue Authority, asked court to dismiss the application with costs because its misconceived.
“That the 1st Respondent (URA) and 2nd Respondent (Commissioner General) have not in any way whatsoever, infringed upon the fundamental and inherent rights of the Applicant or any other Ugandan citizens, as alleged. That this Application does not disclose any cause of action against the 1st and 2nd Respondents.”
She also pointed out that the application
seeks to deter the URA and Commissioner General from complying with the law.
“That the Internal Memorandum referred to by the Applicant is an internal document communicating (internally) the status of the 2nd Respondent’s systems and processes in complying with the Traffic and Road Safety (Registration Plates) Regulations of 2022.”
State Minster for Works and Transport Hon Fred Byamukama towards the end of June announced that this programe which was supposed to commence at the beginning of June had been postponed due to orders of Inspectorate General of Government (IGG) and contractor’s failure to deliver the consignment.
On July 23rd 2021 , Ministry of Works and Transport together with the Ministry of Security, acting on behalf of the government of Uganda, contracted M/S Joint Stock Company Global Security (JSCGS) on July 23, 2021 as suppliers of digital number plates embedded which surveillance chips under the envisaged Intelligent Transport Monitoring System.
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