
UMSC Sectoral Committee Commences Work

The Sectoral Committees, approved by the Uganda Muslim Supreme Counci-UMSC Executive Committee earlier this year to facilitate the smooth implementation of the Strategic Plan 2023-2032, have now begun their work. These committees include Education, Sports & ICT, Halal, Finance, Planning & Hija, Social Services, Legal & Sharia, Awqaf (Endowment), and the Appointments and Disciplinary Committee.

The committees commenced their work after undergoing a two-day orientation meeting held on November 1st and 2nd, 2023, at the UMSC headquarters in Old Kampala. The meetings were officially launched by His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda, in the presence of His Eminence Sheikh Abdallah Ibrahim Ssemambo Tamusuza, the Deputy Mufti, Hon. Prof. Dr. Muhammadi Lubega Kisambira, the UMSC National Chairperson, Hon. Muzamir Abon, Deputy National Chairperson, Hon. Counsel Haj Muhammad Ali Aluma, the Acting Secretary-General, UMSC departmental heads, and Regional Muslim Women Representatives to the General Assembly.

The composition of these committees consists of selected Honorable members from the General Assembly, based on their expertise, and they are aligned with the UMSC departments. They are set to operate for a period of two years, after which other Honorable members will have the opportunity to serve the Muslim community.

In his address, Mufti Mubaje urged the committees to ensure the successful implementation of the designed Strategic Plan, highlighting their high qualifications in their respective professions, which is a new development.

He also mentioned the revision of the UMSC Constitution, which has incorporated Muslim women and youths into the UMSC administrative structure. The Mufti assured Muslims that the era of misleading individuals causing confusion among the faithful is over, emphasizing the importance of protecting the institution’s secrecy when entrusted with responsibilities.
On another note, Prof. Dr. Lubega provided background information on the committees and their expectations while working in collaboration with the departmental heads.

He emphasized the need for maximizing efforts to achieve their goals. Hon. Counsel Haj Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Acting Secretary-General, gave an overview of the current state of affairs at the Council.

The two-day meeting was concluded by Hon. Muzamir Abon, UMSC Deputy National Chairperson, shortly after each committee had made presentations using PowerPoint to outline their planned execution of tasks.

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