KAMPALA-Medics and organizations that provide contraception and family planning services are happy that the number of men embracing vasectomy as a family planning method has increased in Uganda compared to previous years.

Vasectomy is considered as one of the reliable methods of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to your semen. It’s done by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm.
According to medics, this family planning method uptake remains strikingly low in the country with less than one percent of men going for it and that this is due to cultural misinformation and limited access to new techniques.
The statistics from District Health Information Software report the number of vasectomies performed last year were 7,120 compared to 2,414 vasectomies in 2022 which shows growing awareness and acceptance.
Speaking to journalists at a meeting organized by Wellbeing Valor and Dedicated Health Initiative Uganda, Dr Ssentongo Fred from Marie Stopes Uganda noted that there are many myths which should be disregarded by the general public.
“We are seeing the number growing day by day unlike in the past despite the myths and misconceptions. Seeing over 7000 men going for vasectomy shows so much progress,” remarked Dr. Ssentongo
Suleiman Muganza from Wellbeing Valor and Dedicated Health Initiative Uganda says that next week they will have medical camps in Kampala and Mbarara district to offer such services to men.
Jonathan Stack, the founder of Wellbeing Valor and Dedicated Health Initiative Uganda has encouraged men who are not ready to have children to go for vasectomy.
“It’s a convenient method for men who think that they don’t need more children, this is the best option for them to go out and enjoy intercourse without fearing of un planned children.” Jonathan said
He also pointed out that they are training doctors on vasectomy process so that they can be able to do it for people any time at affordable fees.
“In every country we go to there is resistance, because some men think that its going to affect their sexual enjoyment. Secondly its not castration as many tend to think but it’s a simple procedure which requires a person about one to two days to get back to normal life.”
He however added that the only side effect with this method is that you will not have more children.
Suleiman Muganza from Wellbeing Valor and Dedicated Health Initiative Uganda says that next week they will have medical camps in Kampala and Mbarara district where men will receive free treatment.
“We shall start on Monday 22nd July at Marie stopes Kavule and later we shall proceed to Marie stopes Mbarara.We have hope that if we continue with the campaign we shall have the number if those going for vasectomy increasing.”
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