Uganda Eyes Renewable Energy Investment from China: Minister Anite Champions Green Energy Partnerships

Minister Evelyn Anite engaged high-profile Chinese energy firms. Anite outlined Uganda’s plan to achieve universal electrification by 2030, a goal that requires significant investment in solar, hydropower, and wind energy.

Minister Evelyn Anite engaged high-profile Chinese energy firms. Anite outlined Uganda’s plan to achieve universal electrification by 2030, a goal that requires significant investment in solar, hydropower, and wind energy.

Uganda’s drive to harness its abundant renewable energy resources took center stage at the Wuxi conference in China, where Minister Evelyn Anite engaged high-profile Chinese energy firms. Anite outlined Uganda’s plan to achieve universal electrification by 2030, a goal that requires significant investment in solar, hydropower, and wind energy. The Minister stressed that Uganda offers unique opportunities for investors in clean renewable energy, given its vast natural resources and favorable investment climate.

“Uganda’s potential in clean energy is enormous, and we are inviting Chinese investors to be part of this transformation. By partnering with us, Chinese energy firms can help us achieve our electrification targets while also benefiting from high returns and guaranteed markets,” Anite emphasized.

Uganda is currently generating over 1,300 MW of electricity, with an additional 1,000 MW potential in large hydropower projects like the Karuma Dam, alongside vast solar opportunities in regions with high sunshine exposure. Minister Anite noted that Uganda’s energy demand is growing at 9% per year, driven by rapid urbanization and industrial expansion.

For Chinese investors, the renewable energy sector offers a unique opportunity to enter one of Africa’s fastest-growing markets while contributing to global carbon reduction efforts. Uganda’s government provides favorable tariffs, long-term power purchase agreements, and zero import duties on equipment, making it an attractive destination for clean energy investments. Anite concluded her remarks by emphasizing that the partnership between Uganda and Chinese firms could serve as a model for Africa’s energy transition.

Zhou Yu Qing, Africa Team Lead at SIMI Group, once said, “Africa is not just a market but a partner in progress, where mutual growth is cultivated through strategic collaboration.” This perfectly reflects our sentiments about the opportunity to invest in this region. We believe that together, we can create a significant impact in key sectors, particularly infrastructure, technology, and education.”

Mr. Zhang Wuxu, the General Manager of Iflytek, stated during a similar partnership, “Innovation in Africa will reshape the future, and it begins with the right investments in people and technology.”

His words reinforce our belief that developing human capital and integrating cutting-edge technologies will drive meaningful change.


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