Following social media rumors , that United states (US) Government has withdrawn funding towards Implimentation of Uganda Demographic Health Survey (UDHS) 2022 activities, Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has refuted these allegations.

According to the statement issued by the statistics body on Wednesday evening ,it contends that the 7 billion shillings mentioned in the article was meant for technical support mainly for employees of ICF Macro and printing services.
“The Government of Uganda provided support towards the programme by over 90% of the financial requirements. In addition, UNICEF and UNFPA, maintained their financial contribution towards undertaking of the UDHS activities.” Reads part of the statement
UBOS adds that the technical support which was terminated does not jeopardise the result of UDHS.
“It should further be noted that UDHS has been implemented in Uganda since 1988. UBOS has, over the years therefore, developed sufficient technical capacity to fully implement UDHS up to dissemination.”
The statistics body further assured all stakeholders including the development partners of quality UDHS results. “In fact, the 7th UDHS is in final stages towards publication. When published, we appeal to all stakeholders to make good of the indicators derived from UDHS for policy formulation, programme implementation and monitoring development performance in the health sector.”
Therefore UBOS assured all stakeholders that there is full cordial relationship and continued cooperation with the US Government on all matters in regard to statistics development processes.
The Mulengera news website in its edition of July 3rd, 2023, reported the withdrawal of funding support worth 7 billion shillings by the US Government towards the implementation of Uganda Demographic Health Survey (UDHS) 2022 activities.
This raised several questions among various stakeholders and the general public about the programme.
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