The Tale of Magdalena Kikwangire, Ibanda’s Unsung Martyr

Mangada’s Memorial site at Kaluvariyo

In a heart-wrenching story of faith, courage, and sacrifice, Magdalena Kikwangire, a devout Christian from Ibanda, Uganda, gave her life rather than surrender her body to a group of men who sought to rape her. This unsung martyr’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of faith and the enduring legacy of a life dedicated to God.

Early Life and Devotion

Born in 1922, Magdalena was raised in a devout family and demonstrated a profound commitment to her faith from an early age. She was baptized on November 18, 1922, and her grandfather, Dezide, had migrated from Bunyoro to Ibanda, settling in the area and developing an interest in trading salt. Magdalena’s parents, Agostino Kasharura and Kandida Kabajungu, had another daughter named Maria Bagaine.

Education and Teaching Career

Magdalena began her educational journey at Ekigango Kyabaronde, located at Ibanda Parish, before proceeding to Nyamitanga in Mbarara at the age of 16. She later attended schools in Virika Tooro, including a Primary Teachers College and Nyamitanga Vernacular College. Magdalena embarked on her teaching career at St Theresa Primary in Kagongo in 1948, later transferring to Kayazi in Kitagwenda. She returned to St Theresa in 1950, teaching classes ranging from P.1 to P.2.

Faith and Devotion

Magdalena had a profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, praying the rosary daily and actively participating in the Confraternity dedicated to Mary. She was known for her wise counsel, offering guidance to all who sought her advice. During her leisure time and holidays, she dedicated her resources and time to church activities. Practicing the virtue of chastity to the highest degree, Magdalena chose to remain unmarried and lived a life of chastity as a lay consecrated person.

The Tragic Event

On the night of January 14, 1956, Antonio Barugahare, a neighbor who had long harbored a twisted obsession with Magdalena, orchestrated a heinous attack that claimed her life. Along with five accomplices, Antonio subjected Magdalena to unimaginable violence before crucifying her on a tree, a cruel mockery of her deep devotion to Jesus Christ.

Aftermath and Legacy

The community was shocked and outraged by the atrocity, and the perpetrators were eventually brought to justice, sentenced to death, and executed. Magdalena’s body, remarkably preserved despite the severity of her injuries, was laid to rest at Nyamitanga, and her burial site has become a revered pilgrimage destination for the Catholic faithful.

Today, Magdalena’s story serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and a reminder of the enduring legacy of a life dedicated to serving others. As the Catholic Church continues the process of recognizing her as a saint, her inspiring example resonates deeply with the faithful, a poignant reminder of the enduring strength of courage, sacrifice, and devotion.

In conclusion, Magdalena Kikwangire’s story is a powerful reminder of the enduring legacy of a life dedicated to God. Her unwavering commitment to her faith, even in the face of unimaginable violence, serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and a reminder of the enduring strength of courage, sacrifice, and devotion. As we reflect on her life and legacy, may we be inspired to emulate her example and dedicate our lives to serving others with faith, hope, and charity.


Additional reporting by TM African