
Teenage Mothers asked to embrace Digital Skills

JINJA– A group of teenage Mothers from Jinja district under Quad ball Club have been asked to always channel their efforts in only developmental and capacity building programs.

Some of the beneficiaries of the donation.

On handing them a laptop computer (donation) aimed at improving their digital skills , Katie Lowie from United States of America (USA) advised the young girls that for one to succeed in life during this digital era, he/she must be a computer literate thus advised them to use this machine effectively.

“I want you to be competitive in this era of information and communication technology. Expand your knowledge of the world. Use your education to realize you ambitions, love each other” remarked Ketie

Ketie’s major aim is to ensure that teenage mother don’t lose hope of pursuing their future dreams.

Hon. Teddy Nambooze, Mpigi District Woman Member of Parliament who handed over the Laptop to the girls, commended Ketie for her tremendous support adding that it will have a very big impact to the life of these girls and other members of surrounding communities.

Hon Teddy Nambooze (in black coat) handing over the laptop to the students

Mebron Mutekanga , the Head teacher of New Hope Senior Secondary School in Jinja (the beneficiaries), revealed that this donation is timely because it’s a big boost to their ICT equipments which are used in students’ learning.

Ddumba Lawrence, ELSA Africa Director, promised that they are going to continue working with their partners all over the globe to extend support to all needy students country wide.











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