Anti-Homosexuality Act

OPINION: Court’s Decision to Uphold Antigay Law Angers Americans

In what seems to be a continuation of the advancement of neo-colonialism practices in Africa,…

ANDREW MWENDA: How America’s decision to remove Uganda from AGOA over Anti-Homosexuality Act hurts homosexuals more than homophobes

Two months ago, President Joe Biden removed Uganda from the preferential trading arrangement with the…

STOP MANIPULATION! Maverick Museveni slams west for imposing selfish beliefs on foreign territories

President Yoweri Museveni has criticized attempts by Western powers to impose their beliefs on people…

ADAM KUNGU: Why Halting Loans to Uganda Affirms World Bank is Neocolonialism Tool

For some time now, various leaders and people in Africa have decried the extension of…

Why the panic? Uganda won’t shut down over World Bank sanctions, Maverick Tayebwa tells panicking MPs

KAMPALA— The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa has urged Members of Parliament to keep…

Minister Mutuuzo Affirms Commitment to African Values and Family Identity amid Global Peace Festival Preparations

The Minister of State for Gender and Culture Affairs, Hon. Mutuuzo Peace Regis has reaffirmed…