
Street Kickers: Court remands Seven over Ben Kiwanuka Robbery

KAMPALA-Buganda Road Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayizi has charged seven people including juveniles with Aggravated robbery.

The seven acussed persons in court on Friday.

These who included four juveniles have been advised not to say anything in court because its only High court with jurisdiction to hear such matters.

These have been remanded untill 18th June 2024 for mentioning of their case.

“All of you , you have a right to apply for bail before High court.”

The juvenile offenders have been remanded to Naguru remand home, well as the adults have been remanded to Luzira Upper Prison.

The remanded individuals include; Tagaba Sharif , 19 years unemployed, Nuru Rweyomam 14 years aka MuTz, Mukisa Eric aka Musota 17 years , Kabuye Muhammad aka Abiriga , 21 years , Ssenyonjo Peter aka Kakima 14 years, Arinda Victor 22 years, and Kabiito Joram 17 years

Prosecution contends that the seven accused persons and others still at alarge on 22nd May 2024 at Ben Kiwanuka , Central Division Kampala, robbed Bainomugisha Thomson a black bag containing four hundred fifty thousand shillings (450,000) , clothes , itel mobile phone, green container for smearing oil and other assorted items valued at two million shillings. Before and after the act they used personal violence to Bainomugisha and caused him bodily harm.
















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