Public Service promotes 117 state Attorneys to the rank of Senior State Attorney

The Public Service Commission basing on its mandate provided for under the constitution, has promoted 117 State Attorneys in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) to the rank of Senior State Attorney.

DPP Lady Justice Frances Abodo (middle) with some of the prosecutors in Kamuli last year.

According to the official communication which has been released from the office of theDPP on Tuesday evening, the promoted attorneys had diligently served as State Attorneys for over 8 years.

“It is envisaged that the promotions will motivate the promoted staff and enhance prosecution service delivery.

These promotions will also pave way for the recruitment of over 70 State Attorneys to address the longstanding staffing gap in the ODPP and further

Bolster the administration of criminal justice.”

Some of the promoted individuals include ;Marion Ben Bella , Nambozo Irene Wenwa, Nandawula Lillian , Kyomugisha Barbra, Khaukha James, Twesiime Maureen, Kesubi Calorine and Nakigozi Harriet Mildred.

The others promoted are Wamibu Anthony, Kalya Christine, Mpumwire Caroline, Engena George, Wadama Innocent, Amumpire Joanitah

, Tabaro Carolyne Ahereza, Tandihwantimba Anna, Magala Clare Pauline, Kurungyishuri Anthony Pro, Aleto Innocent, Semu Joel among others.

On various occasions , the Director of Public Prosecutions LadyJustice Frances Abodo? Expressed the need to increase the number of prosecutors to be able to match with the increased number of judicial officers for proper dispensation of justice.

As one of the means of improving upon the working conditions of the Prosecutors , a few weeks back Government handed over 40 Double Cabins and 2 station wagons to prosecutors in hard to reach areas to ease their movement and increase on their safety.