
POLITICAL SHOWDOWN: Museveni confronts Speaker Among over luxury London house

President Museveni has asked authorities in the UK to provide evidence regarding Speaker Among’s alleged properties

KAMPALA, UGANDA – President Yoweri Museveni has directed Speaker of Parliament Anita Among to explain her ownership of a luxury house in London, sparking a political firestorm.

In a scathing letter dated May 23, Museveni demanded Among reveal whether she owns or rents the property, Flat 4, Silk House, 7 Waterden Road, London, E20 3AL, United Kingdom.

The President’s letter, copied to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Inspector General of Government, raises questions about Among’s financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest. Among had initially denied owning property in the UK, but Museveni’s letter suggests otherwise.

“I have got information that is contrary to what you told me, that you, indeed, own a house in London,” Museveni wrote. “Do you own that house or are you renting it?”

Museveni directed the Minister of Foreign Affairs to contact the UK Government and get details regarding the house. The Inspector General of Government has also been informed.

Among has insisted that the sanctions imposed on her by the UK government are “politically motivated” due to her stance on homosexuality, particularly the Anti-Homosexuality law.

She has vowed not to back down, despite the sanctions.

The meetings between Ugandan officials and British diplomats have yielded concrete information on Among’s alleged property and bank account in the UK, which formed the basis for the sanctions.

The UK government has provided evidence to support its claims.

The development has sparked a political firestorm, with many calling for Among to come clean on her financial dealings. The opposition has also called for her resignation, citing potential conflicts of interest.


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