There is a whole lot of hallobaloo about MK and his place in the politics and even governance of this country. Questions are being asked and they should be asked for example Why is MK brand everywhere? What is he doing? Isn’t he breaking the Law?
Some if not most of these of these questions have been settled in most of Ugandans minds except for a few to whom the obvious is the hardest of pills to swallow! To this category I would like to assure them that MK brand cannot be wished away and has taken its place in the history that is now being made in Uganda. The MK movement can no longer be nipped in the bud because it has flowered and very soon every Ugandan, even those that are hell bent on sabotaging it will reap of its fruit of a well-developed, organized, strong and stable pearl, Uganda!
I hope that this settles the question on why his brand is everywhere and growing, one has to work had to be in the place that MK and his brand is in Uganda. Ugandans are quick to dustbin pretenders in the bin of history and move on. You can tell by the way they discard hit songs for new ones and “celebrities” are new ones in a matter of days or weeks. For those that stay, they have to earn it. MK like a budding breast or bald head is here to stay and can only get better. Ever since MK entered into the mainstream, as he says by those who wished evil, only good has sprung. All his qualities as a leader and a general have been brought out for all to see and those who follow him with a vain hope of tainting him have instead worked to make him shine brighter and finally one senses panic in those who had hoped that after the strong leadership of Muzei, we would have hit our ceiling and would regress. As It turns Katandika Butandiisi! Masso ku Lutiimbe! (translated-it is just the beginning so all eyes should be glued on the screen)
I want to appreciate the CiC for being a true visionary! A visionary he has been and that’s why Uganda has been blessed and can take a seat on the table of men not only in east Africa or Africa but in the world. This is no mean feat by any standards and I know one day HE will be an entire subject of study in Universities if he is not already!
That said, as a youth and a concerned citizen of this great nation, I’d have been so worried if after the 2021 election, the president and commander in chief of the great UPDF and president of the pearl had just sat back and pretended it is business as usual-you see, the 2021 election raised or amplified the youth question that had remained un answered or was not being asked at all. The fact that a mere political dwarf like Bobi wine managed to sweep over a large section of the youth to his politically and ideologically bankrupt NUP party should be concerning. No one needs reminding of course that Uganda is a youthful nation and Bobi wine and his NUP won some regions and are officially the main opposition due the youth question and that is how the mighty MK movement rolls into play.
We must all and I mean all, friends and foes alike applaud the president and CiC for his genius in deploying, the right tools/people for the job. MK who has done well in all his previous assignments was appointed advisor special operations to the President and what a difference he’s made! As they say the rest is history! Those who do not understand the scope and nature of this assignment want to crucify the man for doing his job very well. Again, it seems to me that MK’s only crime is that he excels at all the assignments the president gives him. As of today, he has traversed the country, listened to the youth and the masses about their needs, their grievances and opinions thereby becoming a link between the youth and government, a factor that had been missing for a long time and reared its ugly head in 2021 elections. This youth question promised to get worse until MK’s intervention. Now instead of NUP we have MK movement and NUP is back into political oblivion! In fact, it would have been disastrous on the part of the president if he had listened to detractors who had chosen to term the MK engagements as political rallies by a serving General of the UPDF. General MK as special adviser to the president on special operations is doing his job quiet well and well with in his jurisdiction!
Before I finish, I would like to touch the issue of the MK presidency. All sane, mature and well-meaning Ugandans have asserted that General MK has a right to contest for any elective office including the presidency. The only rule is that he has to do it by rules of Ugandan constitution which I believe is no problem for him. In fact, all this talk of Presidency which thankfully has taken root and shape was not started by him. First it was his enemies who saw his potential and it terrified them, and then after, it came out of appreciation from the young people and general masses of Uganda who in him have found a listener and an action oriented leader and hence naturally, they’ve called on him to be the next president. Anyone without selective amnesia would remember that before his recent assignments and before his enemies went after him, General MK was quietly serving and sacrificing for his country. Those who woke up the sleeping giant must now regret it but it is too late! I believe though, that all is not lost, these “enemies” can serve this country well by joining the MK movement so that truly the future of Uganda is secured and consolidated.
MK faces a complexity of challenges and I am sure that he is under no illusions on what task awaits him if he chooses to heed the people’s call to lead them in the next phase of Uganda’s development and become their President. First, he must first navigate the political gimmicks of detractors by keeping within the means of the law so that he silences those who realize that he is unstoppable and have resorted to technicalities to slow him down but thankfully they are not holding water! He must also brave himself to deliver on the hopes and dreams of all Ugandans as soon as he takes office. Ugandans want a corrupt free functional government but there is a battle waiting because the corrupt will not cede ground easily or take it lying down. Generally, the scourge of corruption is entrenched in the human fabric that only the strong can dare fight it. The good news is that people like Magufuli have done it before and MK surely “can also did it” since he is no stranger to fighting! Ugandans also want jobs and a better standard of living especially for the youth and I know that strategies are available to achieve this and must be followed through among other things.
Those of us who have interacted with the community and ordinary people are aware of how much they appreciate the listener and result oriented General and how much they would be disappointed if he didn’t offer himself as their next president. I have personally interacted with people from all walks of like from people in deep villages to those in high offices. And from all walks of life; business, military including generals and low rank, civil society and politicians all who regard and attest to MKs work ethics and in unanimity have talked of how they believe MK would be the best fit after president M7!
Lastly I would like to appeal to our great president, in view of all the above and what is at stake both in the present and in the future to prepare to hand over to MK because we know that as long as he gets on the ballot, he will win it with a landslide. Mr. President, you have over the years outdone yourself in redirecting this country from a failed state to a functional state, from a dictatorship to a democratic state, from a failed economy to now nearing a middle income country. Clearly so much has been achieved over the years that it becomes difficult to retell. It’d be terrible if you were to leave leadership of the country you have set on the right trajectory in the wrong hands, my preposition is that MK movement are the right hands. MK comes as a blend of both the old and new; well trained by the old with new generation ideas! The perfect combination, nothing beats that! Besides, we shall still have the old to consult. Surely Uganda will take off to the next heights. We need all hands on deck. All those who wish Uganda well, all who want the future not only secured but consolidated, all who want prosperity and stability, this is your moment to shine.
Especially to you Mr. President, we ask for your hand. a hand not give the MK movement undue advantage but to acknowledge that is a real force, power and has ability and let it flow if not fly with your blessing. Its time has come and blessing of God is with us
Paul Taremwa
Ag. Chair, Patriots Club Uganda
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