A group of young people under their group of Activista Movement decided to create positive change in their communities (Pallisa district) through sensitizing adolescents on how they can overcome several life challenges.

Adakun Ivan Chairperson Activista Movement in Pallisa district says that they were inspired to join this group after realizing that many young people especially girls lack sufficient knowledge about their body changes which has led a number of them into early marriages and teenage pregnancies.
“Reproductive health knowledge is always lacking in adolescents when everyone blames the other for being responsible.Teachers think that students have being taken through menstrual hygiene at home by their Aunts as parents also think that it’s the role of senior woman teachers.”
Adakun also pointed out that they have conclusively done senstization campaigns in Pallisa High school and Pallisa progressive school where they have reached out to over 150 students.
“The campaigns are not targeting only female youths but even their male counterparts. These senstized that
Its normal for their sisters as well as girl friends to undergo menstrual period and therefore they should grant them the required support during this period.”
Birungi Hayirati a student Pallisa High school S.6 one of the members of the Activista Movement revealed that through their outreach programs they have done a lot in reviving and maintaining girls dignity as well as self esteem.
“We teach people about proper disposal of sanitary pads because some people have a mentality that if they burn used pads they can get bad omen and end up not giving birth. We also teach them that menstruation doesn’t mean that you’re ready for marriage but it’s a transformation stage in life.”

Amoit Joseline a second year Student of Busitema University Second year and an Activista says that she has been able to acquire knowledge which she has used to change many people’s lives.
“We hope to reach out on girls and tell them that hygiene is key in their lives. I have been able to learn how to help other girls whenever am approached.”
These have been organizing a lot of activities through which they ensure that they promote justice in the right way without using violent means.
Activista is one of the youth movements which are being supported by Action Aid International Uganda under its plan of supporting young people as drivers of change.
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