Museveni to grace Seventh Ben Kiwanuka Memorial Lecture

KAMPALA-The Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera has revealed that the Judiciary has finalized the preparation process for the seventh annual Benedicto Kiwanuka Memorial lecture scheduled to be held on Friday 20th September 2024 at Judiciary headquarters in Kampala with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the Chief guest.

Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera addressing the press on Thursday.


While addressing the press on Thursday, Buteera noted that this unlike the previous years, this year’s event is going be streamlined so that all stakeholders are granted an opportunity to attend both physically and virtually.

“Key note speaker at the Lecture is Dr. Zahara Nampeewo from the school of Law, Makerere University, who will speak to the participants guided by the theme of the day. On this occasion we honor prominent personalities who have contributed to the rule of law in this Country. This year, we shall have two outstanding awardees of the Benedicto Kiwanuka Life Achievement awards for their roles in fostering the rule of law. Justice Seith Manyindo a retired Deputy Chief Justice and Justice James Ogoola retired Principal Judge will be the awardees this year. “

Buteera also emphasized it that for all the previous years, these celebrations have been held on 21st September but this year it will be held on 20th because 21st will be a weekend (Saturday) which is not a working day.

“The Judiciary has looked in cases where Judicial officers’ life is being threatened and provided them with required security.”

The Late Benedicto Kiwanuka (Courtesy photo)

Buteera further added that Judiciary is working on empowering other stakeholders to handle some of the cases arising from the communities to reduce on case backlog.

This year’s celebrations will be held under a theme “Promoting a people centered Approach to justice.”

Ben Kiwanuka was the first black Chief Justice of Uganda from June 27, 1971, until September 21, 1962.

He was abducted from his office at High Court in Kampala on September 21, 1972 and ever since then his body has never been recovered although Judiciary and other stakeholders are still on the search.