President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has commissioned the Teso Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub in Arapai sub-county, Soroti City.
The Teso Presidential Industrial Hub is one of the 19 hubs set up across the country with the aim of equipping over 12,000 youths every year under the Presidential Initiative on skilling of the youth to usher them into the money economy.
Commissioning the hub, President Museveni congratulated the beneficiaries of the skilling hub and thanked their parents for sending them to the hub to acquire skills.
President Museveni who is currently on a wealth creation and Parish Development Model (PDM) assessment tour in the Teso sub region, also issued a stern warning to head teachers to stop charging fees in government schools, describing the act as a great contributing factor to school dropouts.
“You have seen how useful these courses are and we could have done more for all the other youths if we did not have obstructions by some of the actors,” the President said.
He reminded the gathering that the NRM government strategy was to have all the children study free in primary and secondary schools as clearly indicated in the 1996 NRM manifesto.
“In the 1996 manifesto, we started UPE and USE, and the program is supposed to be free for government schools but some people bring back charges in primary and secondary schools so that is how the children are dropping out of school,” he said.
“Sometimes when I get these obstructions I think, should I go back to the bush and crush these people or what? Some of them don’t know our history, but I said let me be patient. We shall see how to convince them peacefully so that they stop charges in government schools.”
The President also revealed that due to such obstructions and frustration, he was prompted to set up the Presidential skilling initiatives to offer free training to the youths.
“You have seen how it works and actually this one is more expensive than UPE and USE because here the children are coming from far away you have to accommodate them and feed them which attracts extra costs,” he noted.
“UPE children are supposed to walk from home to school and go back, even USE children should come from home, they can walk or use bicycles if it is a bit far,” the President said.
Additionally, President Museveni noted that the government pays teachers, builds classrooms, buys textbooks but wondered why the head teachers still continue to charge extra fees.
“So now go back and tell your parents that please stop these head-teachers from collecting money from children so that children study,” President Museveni stressed.
President Museveni also announced that the government is going to add more skills disciplines that will be aligned with the market demand.
“Because once you acquire a skill you should look at the market, who will buy what I will produce? are they many in number. After some consultations I would like them to add spinning and weaving so that you can make clothes not only tailor but also make because now you are tailoring a cloth that is already made, you should learn how to make the cloth yourself,” he asserted.
The President added that other components to be added for training skills include motor mechanics, ceramics- the making of cups and plates, carpentry – proposing that more of wood work be done like the making of wooden plates, combs even other products like the making of wooden instruments for music.
“In the 1940s we were using wooden plates not the ones you are using now because wooden plates and spoons would last much longer than those you are using today,” he noted.
President Museveni further identified food processing as one of the components to be added to the training at the hub.
On the startup capital, President Museveni was glad to note that the State House Comptroller, Ms. Jane Barekye together with some RCCs and RDCs had already opened up SACCOs in the districts to benefit the hub beneficiaries.
“I am glad the Comptroller and RDCs have already started SACCOs in the districts because I could see the zone was too far and I could see that the district was near to the SACCO, ” he observed.
On the issue of the common-user facilities, President Museveni assured graduates that more studies will be done on how best graduates can be supported with the facilities besides personal kits that can be purchased individually.
The Vice President, H.E Jessica Alupo commended President Museveni for his commitment towards the development of human resource in Uganda, saying that it cannot be over-emphasised.
“From the introduction of UPE, Use, technical and vocational education, it is very clear that Your Excellency, your leadership in government but also in NRM as a party has produced tremendous achievements and results that speak for themselves,” she said.
The Vice President also thanked the President for his vision of setting up the Presidential Industrial Skilling hubs throughout Uganda that have enabled the youths acquire skills and competences, required in the world of work.
“Your Excellency therefore as you have always guided us, the majority of the jobs are in the private sectors and as per our policy, our economy is private sector-led, it is therefore timely that you conceived the vision of establishing the Presidential skilling hubs in all the 18 sub regions of Uganda to prepare all our youth to enable them acquire skills and competences for the world of work,” she added.
The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among thanked President Museveni for the inclusive leadership that has enabled him to cater for all Ugandans including the youths.
“Your leadership empowers everyone. We have the PDM, Emyooga and the skilling initiatives for the youths. We want to thank you so much,” she said.
She emphasised the importance of such programs in transforming the lives of the young people, promoting self-reliance, and fostering economic growth in the region.
“Your Excellency, as Parliament we want to assure and promise you that we shall prioritise all the money for this kind of activity,” Rt. Hon. Among assured.
“Madam Jane Barekye [State House Comptroller] we want to thank you so much for the mindset change you have done in these young children of ours. We are very grateful as the people of the region and Uganda at large.”
The Soroti Resident City Commissioner (RCC) also the Chairperson of the hub committee, Mr. Peter Pex Paak said the zonal hub stands as a testimony for President Museveni’s transformational and visionary leadership which has seen very many girls and boys acquire skills in different vocational disciplines like carpentry, hairdressing, welding, fashion and design, among others.
“This hub aligns very well with the NRM Manifesto of 2021-2026 and particularly page 70 which puts emphasis on turning the youths into manufacturers using zonal industrial hubs. Your Excellency, I wish to report to you that using the skills acquired here some youths have already established welding, saloons and carpentry workshops while others have been employed in the UPDF construction sites and other institutions,” he said.
He added that since inception in 2023, the hub has offered skills to 712 youths in different disciplines, free of charge.
“Your Excellency, we don’t just offer them skills but we equip them with ideological training particularly the NRM principles,” he said.
The RCC also noted that the State House and District Committees have already mobilised former trainees to form district SACCOs to help them get start-up capital.
He requested more land for the hub to set up a four acre model farm.
Testimonies were also shared with some of the graduates who were gifted by the President with financial support to purchase equipment required in their enterprises.
They included Mr. Oumo Gabriel from Bukedea district who was awarded shs.4 million to expand his enterprise of welding and is already employing four youths.
Ms.Frances Gloria Akareut from Katakwi district received shs.5 million to boost her shoe making enterprise and Ms. Isanyu Rose from Serere district was supported with shs.10 million for the purchase of 5 machines to expand her bakery project with a promise to supply the entire district of Serere and the neighbouring districts with bread.
Earlier on arrival, President Museveni toured different departments of Teso Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub that include shoe making, carpentry and joinery, metal welding and fabrication, building and concrete practice, hairdressing and tailoring.
Over 354 girls and 358 boys have graduated from the Teso Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub.
The event was also attended by the Minister of State for Fisheries, Hon. Hellen Adoa, Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity, Hon. Akello Rose Lilly, Minister of State for Northern Uganda, Hon. Kenneth Omona, the State House Comptroller, Ms. Jane Barekye, Members of Parliament, Religious and cultural leaders, among others.
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