Minister Anite woos Chinese investors to Uganda’s ICT sector

Minister Evelyn Anite addresses Chinese investors at the Wuxi conference, making a strong case for investment in Uganda's telecommunications sector and highlighting the vast opportunities for growth and development in the country's digital economy.

Minister Evelyn Anite addresses Chinese investors at the Wuxi conference, making a strong case for investment in Uganda’s telecommunications sector and highlighting the vast opportunities for growth and development in the country’s digital economy.

Uganda is positioning itself as a future leader in digital infrastructure, and Minister Evelyn Anite is courting Chinese investors to support the nation’s ambitious ICT plans. Speaking at the Wuxi conference, Anite made a compelling case for investment in Uganda’s telecommunications sector, which is poised for explosive growth in the coming years.

“Uganda’s digital economy is expanding rapidly, and we need substantial investment in telecommunications infrastructure to ensure that everyone, from our capital cities to the most rural areas, is connected,” said Minister Anite.

With over 70% mobile penetration and growing demand for internet access, Uganda’s ICT sector presents a lucrative opportunity for Chinese investors to provide the infrastructure that will support the country’s future digital economy. Anite highlighted the Ugandan government’s focus on building a modern, inclusive telecom infrastructure that supports e-commerce, e-governance, and financial inclusion, especially in rural areas.

Currently, only 26% of Uganda’s population has internet access, leaving a significant gap that Chinese firms could help fill. Uganda is targeting a 50% increase in mobile broadband coverage by 2025, and Chinese companies are well-positioned to contribute to this growth.

For investors, the opportunities are immense. Uganda’s government is offering tax holidays, expedited licenses for new infrastructure projects, and favorable regulations for foreign telecom companies. Anite noted that Chinese firms, already global leaders in telecommunications technology, could achieve significant market share in Uganda’s growing digital economy while bringing affordable internet and mobile services to millions of Ugandans.

“Africa is not just a market but a partner in progress, where mutual growth is cultivated through strategic collaboration,” said Zhou Yu Qing, Africa Team Lead at SIMI Group.

“Innovation in Africa will reshape the future, and it begins with the right investments in people and technology,” said Mr. Zhang Wuxu, the General Manager of Iflytek.

With the support of visionary leadership like yours, we are confident that our investments will help Uganda advance in ways that uplift communities, create jobs, and pave the way for long-term prosperity. We look forward to building this bright future together.


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