Magara murder case set for hearing

Kamapala – High Court Judge Alex Ajiiji has set the 20th July 2023 as the date at which she will commence with hearing of the case in which nine people are acussed of Kidnapping and murdering 28 year old Suzan Magara.

The nine accused persons in court on Monday.

All the accussed who include; Lubega Yusuf Wasswa Hussein , Ssali Muzamiru, Kyewolya Abubakar , Kisalita Mahad, Kato Hassan Miro , Bukenya Ismail and Buvumbo Musa Abas have denied the offences against them.

However the first accused person Patrick Kasaija has not been in court because he is out on bail and he didn’t turn up today.

The judge has advised Ssali Muzamiri one of the accused to get in touch with their lawyers to bring to court’s attention all issues they want to raise.

Prosecution contends that on 7th the accused persons kidnapped Suzan Magara with intent to get to obtain a ransom.

Its further alleged that on 27th February 2018 in Kigo , Wakiso District killed Suzan Magara.