Letshego makes history with Namibia’s First Social Bond Listing

Aupa Monyatsi – Letshego Africa Group Chief Executive

WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA —Letshego Holdings Namibia Limited (“Letshego Namibia” / “LHN”), a subsidiary of the Pan African inclusive finance entity, has made a significant milestone by listing the Africa Group’s first social bond on the Namibian Stock Exchange (“NSX”).

The Group’s inaugural social listing received total bids worth N$322 million and successfully issued N$260 million three-year senior unsecured notes across five investors. This listing demonstrates Letshego Namibia’s commitment to its social impact strategy and access to a growing pool of social financing globally.

“This listing evidences our commercial purpose to improve lives, while leveraging the opportunity to access a rapidly increasing pool of social financing, globally,” said Dr. Ester Kali, Country Chief Executive of Letshego Namibia. “Social bonds not only introduce Letshego Namibia to an expanded pool of social investors but also deepen stakeholder confidence in our credentials.”

The social bond has been structured in alignment with the International Capital Market Association’s Social Bond Principles, and the proceeds will support Letshego Namibia’s strategy to increase access, reach, and affordability of productive financial solutions for more Namibians.

Letshego Namibia’s social bond listing is a first for the group, and Aupa Monyatsi, Group Chief Executive of Letshego Africa Holding, emphasized the significance of this achievement. “Achieving a tangible social and sustainable impact from our pan-African inclusive financing products and solutions has been intrinsic to Letshego’s 25-year legacy in Africa,” he


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