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How Belle Beauty is using FinTech to help Ugandan beauticians

KAMPALA —When Uganda was put into a total lockdown in March 2020 due to the…

8 Children Young Engineers Uganda Nominated for Pan African Robotics Competition in Senegal

KAMPALA — 8 Children from Young Engineers Uganda, a STEM Education brand of the African…

Museveni hands over four newly built houses to election violence victims of 2021

KATAKWI — President Yoweri Museveni has handed over four (4) newly constructed housing units to…

How Silicon Pay using FinTech to ease payments

KAMPALA — Away from its negative consequences, the COVID-19 pandemic was an eye-opener to individuals…

From extreme poverty to a hotel owner, Onyango beat all odds to make it in life

Robert Onyango is a humble, amiable gentleman who have risen from extreme poverty in the…

UTB unveils Explore Uganda brand at CHOGM 2022 in Kigali

KIGALI – Uganda Tourism Board in partnership with the Uganda High Commission in Kigali, will…

SIMON SSENYONGA: Uganda’s National Budget 2022; A poisoned Chalice?

Finally we sigh in relief after going through the yearly Constitutional ritual of budget presentation.…

FULL LIST! Judicial Service Commission appoints 53 Grade One Magistrates

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has appointed 53 Judicial Officers on probation to the position…

How digital firm Ticteq is using FINTECH to reduce Tickets’ purchase hustle and commotion

KAMPALA — For those that have attended events in Uganda, you are familiar with the…

Uganda Airlines secures Morning landing slot at Chinese Guangzhou Airport

Uganda Airlines has secured an early morning landing slot at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, a…