Kyosk Digital Services – Uganda has on Saturday, February 18 handed upto UGX 7 million donation to Wakiso-based Wakisa Ministries Uganda.
Kyosk, a community-focused company sought to reach a hand to underserved communities Wakisa Ministries.
Wakisa Ministries Uganda is an information and counselling facility for girls facing unwanted pregnancies. The ministry addresses their emotional, physical and spiritual well-being while providing temporary shelter, counselling and care services, providing opportunities for Christian growth and discipleship and equipping them with life and vocational skills, thus transforming the lives of this vulnerable group.
Many girls in Uganda drop out of school involuntarily due to unwanted pregnancies. Even after giving birth, these girls cannot go back to school. At such a tender age, some of them are forced to marry the same men who defiled them while others are forced to take responsibility for their children and are resigned to a life of domestic chores. Apart from the exclusion from school and termination of all opportunities for self-development, such girls are at risk of unsafe abortions, and infection with HIV and other STDs. There is, therefore, a need for education interventions among young mothers to rescue them from the above social vices.
“We are thankful to partners like Kyosk Digital Services – Uganda for supporting us as we reshape the future of our girls. Kyosk’s donation will allow us to re-integrate young mothers into schools and higher institutions of learning that had dropped out as a result of early pregnancies, reduce the high levels of school dropouts due to unwanted pregnancies, improve the standards of living of young mothers and their babies, to reduce on the high level of illiteracy among women as a result of dropping out of schools due to unwanted pregnancy, to give them hope for the future after conception and delivery, to beef up self-esteem among the young mothers as a result of education,” said Racheal Nalule, a Social Worker and Warden Wakisa Ministries, Uganda.
“At Kyosk Digital Services – Uganda, our goal is to not only drive success for our traditional retailers and stakeholders but also to make a meaningful impact in the communities where we operate. Our donation to Wakisa Ministries Uganda is in line with our purpose of providing underserved communities with access to quality goods and services and in the long haul empowering Uganda’s future traditional retailers, local eateries and small-holder farmers.
“We hope that this donation will help to improve the lives of the girls at Wakisa Ministries Uganda and provide them with the tools they need to succeed. We would like to thank Wakisa Ministries Uganda for the work they do and for allowing us the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the girls. We look forward to continuing to support their mission in the future,” said Peter Barata, Country Commercial Director, Kyosk Digital Services – Uganda.
Kyosk Digital Services – Uganda believes that supporting Wakisa Ministries is key to breaking the cycle of crisis pregnancy and giving young mothers a second chance to reach their full potential this way contributing to a young generation free from the impact of early sexual behaviour, trauma and neglect living with a hope for a brighter future.
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