Katikiro rallies coffee farmers to participate in forthcoming registration exercise

MENGO-The Katikiro of Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga has asked coffee farmers to provide the relevant data to stakeholders once they are approached in the forthcoming registration exercise.

Katikiro Charles Peter Mayiga (middle) with some of UCDA board members at Bulange Mengo

While meeting key stakeholders in the country’s coffee sector at Bulange Mengo on Friday, Mayiga noted that the registration of key players in the coffee sector of Uganda is for the good of the farmers not dangerous as some self seekers are trying to mislead the public.

“When the European Union Parliament came up with the regulation that has to be followed before exporting our coffee to Europe, it’s a duty for the government, UCDA and every one to protect the livelihood of over 15 million Ugandans whose livelihood survives on coffee.”

The Katikiro pointed that regulation has come in times of Electronic Fiscal Receipting System (EFRIS) that has created many worries among some businessmen and this has created a need for more sensitization among the farmers who may be misled.

“Senstized the coffee farmers , dealers, exporters about the need to have them registered because it’s for their own good. They have to understand that this is not only targeting coffee farmers but even other people dealing in Agriculture products grown on land like beef and cocoa from all over the world.”

The Katikiro also commended Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) and partners for the support they have rendered to the kingdom In promoting coffee growing as he asked them to double the efforts in sensitization campaign of European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR

“When we initiated the ‘Emwanyi terimba’ campaign in 2016 , the objective was to economically empower the ordinary person in this country where majority of the citizens are based in rural areas. The reports we receive of recent indicate that those who have grown coffee have had their lifestyle and well being improving steadily.”

Mayiga further promised that while working with other Kingdom officials and partners, they are going to spear head the sensitization campaign of EUDR all over the Kingdom.

Mr. Fred Luzinda Mukasa UCDA Board Representative (Board member Emwanyi terimba) , thanked the Katikiro on behalf of Kingdom for their tremendous work in promoting coffee growing all over Buganda which has been felt by an increase in monthly harvests.

Luzinda reported to the Katikiro that the grant which the Kingdom presented to the through BUCADEF of developing 30 acres of coffee , has been approved and its ready to be implemented. On behalf of UCDA, he also handed over to the Katikiro the Moisture meter (measure moisture in coffee beans ) to assist them in monitoring the quality of coffee harvests.

Mr. Kyaalo Gerald, the Director Development Services at UCDA, briefed the kingdom officials about the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) , its implementation process , objectives and benefits.

“On 5th December 2022, the European Union approved new regulations of EUDR to ensure that supply chains remain free from products that cause deforestation. It entered into force on 29th June 2023 and it will enter into application on 30th December 2024 and on 30th June 2025.”

That this regulation seeks to ensure that palm oil, Soy, Wood, coffee, Cocoa, Cattle, rubber and their associated products , imported or exported or traded with European Union market are not associated with deforestation or forest degradation.

“The EUDR dictates that imported coffee and cocoa among other products need to be deforestation free and this must be demonstrated by the trader through traceability and favorable risk assessment (due diligence).”

Therefore, the delegation has informed the Katikiro that they are in final stages of rolling out a country wide coffee value chain registration exercise (in third week of September 2024), which will form a basis for coffee traceability.

This will be done by enumerators who will visit all coffee farms recording minimum set of data required for EUDR compliance verification like; geo locations of coffee plots among others.

The delegation included officials from UCDA, Uganda Coffee Federation and aBi finance.



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