KANGAVE MUDI: How teachers become chicken after spending out

The true measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort but where he stands in times of challenge and difficulties… Martin Luther King Junior stated.

Mr. Kangave Mudi

Teaching is one of most marginalized professions due to the state in which teachers live.

Most teachers in Uganda hardly afford two good meals a day., This is because most times we spend out of excitement.

“When the salary comes in time, teachers eat chicken. Sometimes this is uncalled for

As the salary reduces teachers eat products of Chicken like Eggs, Gizzards, liver and others.

Subsequently, the teacher begins to eat chicken’s foods like maize and millet, Mukene and greens

Finally, when salary is finished, the teacher becomes chicken itself, spending all the time walking around just looking for what to eat”! Even scratching everywhere looking for what to eat.

Dear teachers,

Your “salary is a seed” that needs to be planted. It’s important you take part of it and invest.

Salary alone cannot solve all your money problems. Create a plan B now.

A wise investment will provide opportunities for one to always eat Chicken  whenever he or she pleases!

These two teachers have a touching story.

Kayumba B and Namugga K(not real names) studied education a one University in Kampala. They were both classmates and after 3 years of studying hard, they both graduated. After graduation, fate took them through different paths of life.

5 Years later, Namugga after much frustration of securing a job, ended up as a teacher earning 500,000 Ugx monthly.

Meanwhile, Kayumba on the other hand, couldn’t secure a job and ended up a Taxi driver. He makes at least 50,000 Ugx daily and if he works for only 20 days in a month, He makes 1,000,000 Ugx that month.

One evening, Namugga closed from work and was at the stage waiting for a taxi when Kayumba stopped. She hopped in when she discovered the taxi was going her way but little did she know it was Kayumba. All through the journey, she was lost on her phone.

She reached her stage stop and after a lighting, just when she was about paying, she took a look at the driver and their eyes met, wow! They were both happy.

“Is this you?” they both asked themselves simultaneously as if they planned it. Namugga gave him money but Kayumba insisted she keep it. He was happy to see her and for old time sake, he left the money for her even when she insisted that she wanted to pay. They both exchanged contact and left.

Well, Namugga went home that night and was lost in thought. Not as if Kayumba was looking bad but Kayumba driving Taxi? She couldn’t wrap her head around it. She Pitied him. Felt sorry for him. If Kayumba had allowed her she would have paid him and beg him to keep the change.

Little did she know that, Kayumba actually has another Taxi running.

He is a land owner and he is planning on developing it soon. But because he was driving a Taxi, she felt pity for him.

On the other hand, Kayumba felt sorry for himself too. Before he slept that night, he remembered Namugga, how neatly she dressed and nice she smells, “She must be earning over 3,000,000 Ug shillings per month” he said to himself. He felt ashamed, He felt like a failure and he felt she was way ahead of him financially and otherwise.

Little did he know that, If Namugga removes the transportation fare and feeding money from her monthly salary, it will take her at least 3 Months to earn what he earns monthly.

Sadly, this could be some of our reality, you measure your progress and success with that of your friends, Classmates and Relatives even with very limited information you have about them.

You think yours is worse because you look dirtier, you think yours is worse because you are not on Corporate wears, you think yours is worse because the other person acts and looks Nicer.

Stay Focused and Face your life. It’s not a competition. Stop Comparing things, you don’t have the full picture. Every one is running on their own lane.

Once again teachers,

Think INVESTMENT…because you won’t be young forever!

Think Insurance…because you won’t be strong forever!

Think Entrepreneurship because you won’t be employed forever!

Members do we think of our development, investment and our work places as well !!

About the Author:

The author, Mr. Mudi Kangave is teacher, a teacher trainer, author.

National chairperson private teachers platform Uganda

E-mail mudikangave@gmail.com