Kagame names new ministers, security chiefs in cabinet shake-up

Rwanda President Paul Kagame (PHOTO/Courtesy)

Rwanda President Paul Kagame

KIGALI, RWANDA – President Paul Kagame has announced a significant cabinet reshuffle, appointing new ministers to key positions in the government.

According to a communiqué released by the Office of the President, Amb. Olivier Nduhungirehe has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, while Mr. Yussuf Murangwa takes over as Minister of Finance and Economic Planning.

Ms. Consolee Uwimana has been appointed Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Dr. Vincent Biruta as Minister of Interior, and Dr. Valentine Uwamariya as Minister of Environment. Ms. Mutesi Linda Rusagara has been appointed Minister of State for Resource Mobilization and Public Investment in MINECOFIN, and Mr. Olivier Kabera as Minister of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The President has also appointed new officials to various positions, including Mr. Aimable Havugiyaremye as Secretary General of National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Maj Gen Joseph Nzabamwita as Senior Security Advisor in the Office of the President, and Ms. Angelique Habyarimana as Prosecutor General.

Mr. Alfred Gasana has been appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to the Kingdom of Netherlands, Mr. Ronald Niwenshuti as Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Dr. Innocente Murasi as Deputy Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Mr. Ivan Murenzi as Director General of National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), and Mr. Fulgence Dusabimana as Vice Mayor of the City of Kigali in charge of Infrastructure and Member of the Council of the City of Kigali.

The changes are seen as a move to strengthen the government’s efforts in key areas, including economic development, security, international relations, and public service.

The appointments were made pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda and were announced by Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente on behalf of President Kagame.

The new ministers and officials are expected to take up their duties immediately, working to implement the government’s vision for Rwanda’s continued growth and development.