
Kadaga’s new relationship with Namuganza excites Ugandans

Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, third deputy Prime Minister at the same time the Minister of East Africa community Affairs over the weekend fulfilled the saying that which in Politics there is no permanent enemy.


Kadaga posted a photo of Hon. Persis Namuganza , the State Minister for Housing, the person with whom they have been at logger heads for so

A photo montage of Hon. Persis Namuganza and Hon. Rebecca Kadaga (Courtesy photo)

me time , recognizing her for taking part in Busoga Kingdom Tourism event.

“Hon Princess Namuganza, Ministervof State Housing, attending the rally after unveiling Site No 40 and 41; on the Busoga Tourism Circuit in Bukono @BusogaTourism.” Reads Kadaga’s Twitter post a companied by Namuganza’s photo.

This post was welcomed by most of the people especially those who have been asking themselves on why would people from the same Kingdom, working with the same government would fail to put aside their personal misunderstandings for the benefit of their people.

“So proud of Busoga tourism drive the whole kingdom is united. Acholi people why not learn something from Busoga Long live Busoga kingdom.” Remarked a one Akena Godfrey

Others pointed out that its only such unity that they need in order to develop Busoga Kingdom and the whole Uganda at large.

“Busoga is proud of you our gallant daughters of the Land. This is a true reflection of the indicators of ur peace and reconciliation agenda for Busoga Consortium. God bless you Rt Hon RAK for going high for Busoga.” Remarked a one Kalulu Kusalawo

Over the weekend, Hon Rebecca Kadaga who doubles as the Tourism Patron for Busoga Kingdom was the Chief guest at the Busoga Kingdom Tourism trail experience in both Bukono and Bunha in Mayuge District.

The misunderstanding between Hon Kadaga and Hon Namuganza can be traced way back in the early 2018 as they accused each other for sabotaging Busoga Kingdom activities.

Namuganza in March 2018, accused Kadaga ( the speaker of Parliament then) and Kyabazinga of Busoga Wilberforce Nadiope iv of installing a Chief in Bukono (where she is a Princess) without her knowledge.

The Princess from Bukono was later suspended from Busoga Parliamentary caucas by 13 out of 32 members, followed by summons to Parliamentary committee.

Ever since then , the relationship between these two has not been conducive.







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