Justice David Majanja eulogized as Kenyan giant of justice ,a great leader , mentor and educator

KENYA-Legal practitioners, members of Kenya’s Judiciary and the whole country at large is mourning the passing away of Justice David Majanja, the High Court Judge and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

These have on Wednesday converged at International Church Center for the requiem mass where they eulogized Majanja as a giant of justice ,a great leader , mentor and educator.

On addressing the mourners described the deceased as a person who dedicated his life to these principles, applying the law impartially in ensuring equal justice for all.

“Hon. Justice Majanja made significant contributions to the administration of justice and the development of our jurisprudence. Among his numerous landmark decisions, two stand out for their emphasis on access to justice and the rule of law. In Kenya Bus Service Ltd & Another vs. Minister for Transport & 2 others (2012), he held that the mandatory 30-day notice of intention to sue the government violated the right of access to justice and constituted an unjustified limitation in a democratic society.”

Judges carrying a casket containing Majanja’s remains on Wednesday. (Courtesy photos)

That despite of his duties as a Commissioner at the JSC, he consistently delivered judgments on time and was frequently among the judges with the highest number of judgments delivered in the Judiciary.

“At the JSC, he played a pivotal role in developing various policies and programes. He was passionately committed to institution-building initiatives aimed at making both the JSC and the Judiciary efficient and responsive to the justice needs of the Kenyan people. As an active member of the community, Justice Majanja gave back whole heartedly.”

Some of the mourners who turned up for the requiem mass on Wednesday

Koome also pointed out that Majanja was a mentor and a provider to many who, by emulating his example, have risen to become defenders of the law and providers of their own communities.

“He was a light that shone brightly to everyone who knew him. Justice Majanja was a devoted servant of our nation, and his death leaves an irreplaceable void. His profound impact on our justice institutions and the rule of law is indelible. We have been privileged to witness his intense, abiding devotion to both. We extend our prayers and sincere condolences to his family, friends, colleagues, and the Judiciary and JSC family.”

On behalf of Kenya’s Judiciary, Koome promised to continue upholding the legacy of Justice Majanja, who believed in constitutionalism and the rich promise of human rights and gender equality enshrined in the Constitution

In attendance at this requiem mass was Majanja’s family members, friends, legal practitioners, Judicial staff and others.

Majanja passed away on 10th July 2024 at a hospital in Nairobi.

He has been cremated today and after a Memorial Service will be held in Shinyalu constituency, Kakamega county on Saturday, July 20, 2024.