A total of 11 officers have been nominated to join High court in acting capacity before being confirmed as full Judges.

According to the Notice from Mr. Adolf Mwesigye Kasaija the Clerk to Parliament addressed to the appointment committee of Parliament, these will appear before the committee chaired by Speaker of Parliament for vetting.
“The Appointments Comnittee is scheduled to interact with the following Presidential Nominees on Friday 21t July, 2023 at 10:00am in Speaker’s Boardroom, Parliament House.” reads part of the Notice
Among those who have been appointed to Acting Judges include; His Worship (HW) Jameson Karemani Registrar Hogh court and Spokesperson Judiciary, Kwizera Amos , one of the inspector of Courts , HW Flavia Nabakooza, Mwaka Philip, Makumbi David Samson, Ms. Jacqueline Mwondha, Mrs. Naluzze Aisha Batala, Dr. Akello Echookit Christine, Ms. Kania Rosette Comfort and Mr. Lubega Farouq.
In December last year, the Constitutional Court ruled that appointing judges in acting capacity contravenes the 1995 Constitution this describing it as null and void.
In a majority ruling of 4:1, the court allowed a petition filed by Makerere University lecturer, Dr. Busingye Kabumba and human rights activist Andrew Karamagi, and ordered that the Judicial Service Commission-JSC regularize the appointment of the 16 High Court judges who were appointed on that basis.
However , the Attorney General on behalf of Government appealed against that decision.
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