KAMPALA– The Judiciary working with other key players in the justice sector together with development partners, have launched the “Judiciary time-share fast track mechanism” for gender based violence cases

At the launch held at Judiciary headquarters in Kampala on Monday, Dr. Flavian Zeija , the Principal Judge (Deputy Chief Justice designate), noted that this initiative , if well utilized, it will contribute greatly in solving case backlog in Uganda’s Judicial system.
“We hope that this project is going to be a beacon of hope to all victims, I call upon all people involved to join efforts in making it a success. It’s a commitment by the Justice actors and development partners to ensure full access to justice for survivors of violence.”
Zeija also pointed out that various studies have clearly pointed out that the largest number of victims for Gender Based violence cases are women and girls whom this project has given the first priority. “GBV is not only a violation of human rights, it’s a barrier to equality, dignity and development. It robs survivors their security, voice and often their hope.”
He further noted that through several engagements and training of Prosecutors, Judicial and Police officers, various loopholes which have been leading to acquittal of culprits /perpetrators will be addressed and more victims will have justice.

Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) , in her message delivered by a representative, revealed that this initiative is going to assist them in reducing case backlog but most importantly expedite and fast track hearing of Gender Based violence.
“ GBV is not addressed, it will be hard to achieve sustainable development goals by Uganda as a country. We are excited that this project has targeted all of us , the key actors in justice system.With the success registered , we shall not only reduce case back log, we shall ensure that all victims receive justice in a timely manner.”
H.E Dr. Katja Kerschbaumer, the Austria Ambassador to Uganda (one of the development partners) at the launch, revealed that , they are supporting this project with a view of creating timely access to justice to all GBV victims on top of renewing the the trust and confidence of women and girls in the justice system.
“The institutionalization of daily hearings of GBV cases will serve as a powerful demonstration of Uganda’s commitment to upholding the rights of survivors in ensuring that their voices are heard.”
The Judiciary time- share fast track mechanism for GBV cases project is being supported by Austria Development Cooperation and UN Women
The focus area of the”project include; Capacity building i.e Training Judicial officers, support staff and Police , prosecution on survivor centered approach.
Legal awareness and support as well as Advocacy and Policy reforms.
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