
Judiciary holds a successful Coordination meeting in Rukungiri

The Rukungiri Resident Judge, Justice Tom Chemutai, on Tuesday chaired the Court’s first Regional Coordination Committee Meeting attended by different stakeholders in the justice chain.

Some of the stakeholders that turnned up for the meeting. (Courtesy photo)

The meeting deliberated on several challenges affecting the dispensation of justice in the Circuit. These included the absence of a substantive Chief Magistrate in charge of Kanungu which has left the Chief Magistrate of Rukungiri overstretched as she has to traverse both districts.

The meeting took note of the shortage of state attorneys, particularly to prosecute at Nyarushanje and Kihihi Courts which has caused delays in the dispensation of justice in these courts.

A plea was made for the pressing need of a High Court criminal session at Kanungu to help decongest the heavily congested prison cells there. It was noted that many accused persons facing capital charges were committed to the High Court for trial but have been and have since been on remand for a long time. Kanungu had a High Court Criminal Session in 2023 where 40 cases were handled.

It was noted that there was difficulty in administering juvenile justice due to lack of facilitation/ transport means for the probation and welfare office so as to transport juvenile offenders to the remand home in Kabale and back to court for trial. Also the lack of a placement center in the circuit presents part of the challenge.

Delays in prosecuting wildlife cases in the area due to absence/ inconsistent attendance of UWA prosecutors were highlighted.

A concern was raised of unscrupulous people who operate as court brokers, picking money from the public in the names of judicial officers.

Several interventions were proposed, including tracking down the brokers and lobbying the responsible offices at the Judiciary headquarters to have some of the challenges addressed.

Stakeholders appreciated the commendable work so far done by the High Court Circuit and the Resident Judge.

They pledged their continued support to the Court to ensure the people of Rukungiri and Kanungu receive justice.

In attendance; The Regional Chief State Attorney in charge of Kigezi Region represented by the Senior State Attorney, Rukungiri, the Regional Prisons Commander in charge of Kigezi, the DPC Rukungiri, the Officer- in- charge of Prisons, Rukungiri, the Deputy District Internal Security Officer, Rukungiri, Representative of the Advocates in the region, the Probation and welfare Officer of Rukungiri and the Community Service Officer, Rukungiri.


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