High Court halts Kamoga’s trial in Entebbe Magistrates Court

KAMPALA- High Court judge, Isaac Muwata has suspended hearing of criminal charges against Hajji Muhamad Kamoga (Kamoga Property Consultants) until when all cases which were filed in court on the same matter are fully heard and disposed off.

Business man, Hajji Muhammad Kamoga at High Court after receiving the ruling.

In the court ruling delivered on Tuesday, Justice Muwata found it unfair for Entebbe Magistrates Court to continue trying Kamoga on criminal charges relating to forging land titles on Peter Babigumira’s land in Entebbe when he has pending cases against the same individual pending determination.

Court also learnt that there are other matters before High court Civil Division and Court of Appeal , all resulting from the same matter.

Upon receiving this ruling, Kamoga expressed gratitude for this court’s decision and revealed that he has hope that anytime justice will prevail.

In the Criminal Case which has been stayed , Peter Babingamba acusses the business man bleach of contract when he failed to process land titles for people seated on his 200 acres of land located in Bukaaya – Katabi Town Council in Entebbe Municipality ,but instead resorted to forge them.