BUKWO – A number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) engaged in Governance and accountability together with Government Anti Corruption Agencies, have strengthened their commitment to fight corruption in the country through increased awareness among Citizens.

At the Anti Corruption Marathon held over the weekend at Boma groundsl in Bukwo district, through Athletics , the most popular and liked sport in Sebei Region , various key stakeholders sensitized the locals on dangers related to corruption as well as several means through which this vice can be defeated.
“We have embraced Athletics as a vehicle to fight corruption, because its a unifying game which brings together all people in this area. It (marathon) requires stamina and endurance as it is in the fight against corruption.” remarked Xavier Ejoyi Action Aid International Uganda , Country Director.
He also pointed out that the marathon doesn’t stop at creating awareness on corruption, but it also one of the means of creating more world champions.
“You never know ,the next athletics champions here are concerned about corruption in the Sebei and national institutions , they pointed that its very hard to get facilitation which was promised by the president and this need to be looked into. Sports is not only a catalyst for fighting corruption but to recognize that corruption happens in the sector.”

Joseph Muramuzi, an officer from the Inspectorate of Government, revealed that their partnership with Civil society organizations is important because they help out in sensitizing masses on their roles in fight against corruption which many thoughts that it was the duty of government agencies.
“Many people know that corruption only involves the exchange of money , but corruption exists in many other forms including employing relatives who don’t have qualifications in public offices , misrepresenting your authority at work and many other forms.”

He further added that involving citizens who are the eyes of government on the ground, will help them to achieve a lot in fighting of corruption.
Natasha Mariam the Public Relations officer of the Anti corruption Unit of state House , reported that as a result of strengthening partnership in a war against corruption , the Unit has received several complaints from RDC, LC5 Chairman which they are still investigating.
“The war against corruption can’t be fought by government alone ,so we have joined the Civil Society Organizations as a sign that government is ready to work them in eliminating corruption. When we receive cases at the unit, we can’t work alone but as a team with other institutions like IGG, Police (CID) , Office of the Auditor General and others.”

Moses Kipsiro,Gold medalist who spoke on behalf of the Professional Athletes expressed concern about the immense corruption in Bukwo district thus called upon Action Aid International Uganda and partners to sensitize the community on corruption.
Chero Moses Chemi one of the Teachers from Bukwo, decried the corruption at the district level which delayed his dream of practicing his profession and he instead first resorted to politics.
He added that he applied to join Public service as a teacher but he was not considered for several years. Last year he succeeded and he was called upon to join the service.
Lolwor Jimmy, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bukwo District noted that having realized that the district is faced with challenges of corruption, they put in place a number of measures for proper accountability of funds starting from Parish level.
“By the time i came here , the district had a challenge of understaffing since most of the staff members had been interdicted due to corruption. when we came we found that they had interdicted I had to bring them back since their interdiction period had expired.”
The Civil society organizations which participated in this marathon included Transparency International, Anti corruption Coalition of Uganda and others.
Winners of different categories of the Marathon which was run under a theme: “Strengthening Partnership in the war against Corruption”, walked away way with Cash Prizes as a token of appreciation for their efforts.
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