
Friday was the openning date for the Vandalized Uganda House in Kenya- Government

KAMPALA– The Government of Uganda has revealed that Uganda House which was vandalized by protesters in Kenya on Wednesday, had under went renovation and was scheduled to be opened on Friday 28th June 2024.

Uganda House under flames on Tuesday. (Courtesy photo)

In a official statement released by the Minsitry of Foreign Affairs, the building was only occupied by commercial tenants on the ground floor. The other floors, including, the Third Floor which previously housed the Consular Office, had been vacated to allow for renovations.

“While there is extensive damage to the property, we are grateful that there are no reported fatalities or serious injuries that have been identified so far.It is also important to note that none of the Diplomatic or Consular staff were in the building at the time the fire broke out.”. remarked Bagire Vincent Waiswa, Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uganda, he emphasized it that their relationship with the Government and indeed the people of the Republic of Kenya remain solid.

“ We support peaceful demonstration so as a democratic right but we condemn in the strongest terms, violence that leads to destruction of property and loss of lives. We therefore call for calm, discourage unnecessary and unhelpful speculation and premature conclusions to allow for investigations into the matter.”

On Tuesday evening as the protesters marked a week of demonstrations against the proposed Finance Bill, they invaded Parliament, destroyed property and later vandalized Uganda House by setting on fire the first floor of the building.






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