Family Cries to President Museveni after ‘illegal’ Demolition of their house

KAWEMPE– The Family of the late Hajji Asuman Busulwa Salongo Kawempe , Ttula Cell, Maganjo ward in Nabweru Division, Nansana Municipality has cried to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni through the area Resident District Commissioner ( Nsubuga Shafik Ali) to intervene in their escalated land matter.

Abdul Karim Kayongo, one of the family members (in tears) while narrating his story to journalists on Monday.

These through their family head Hassan Kayongo ( heir of the late Asuman Busulwa), allege that they have been left homeless following the land grabers’ actions of demolishing their ancestral house without following proper legal procedures and later divided the land into plots for sale.

“A few days back, we were surprised to receive information that a group of people whom we have been contesting with on our ancestral land located

Located on Block 200, Plot 15 at Ttula Kawempe , measuring four hectares, had forcefully destroyed our house and later subdivided the land without our knowledge.”

Kayongo pointed out that it’s the same demolished house which was repaired recently on Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja’s money following her intervention in these matters.

“Its unfortunate that there is no court order for demolition of the house or allowing the other claimants to take over the said , but they forcefully took over the land without even involving any of the Late Busulwa’s family members.”

Abdul Karim Kayongo who was found at scene in tears, revealed that he has been on this land since his childhood days and therefore evicting him without due process has traumatized him a lot.

“I don’t know what next even because I have been left homeless and helpless. The news found me when I was upcountry on job, I returned to find out whether its true and on reaching here I was so shocked.”

The family members therefore called upon the authorities to do whatever is possible to ensure that at least they stop the ongoing activities on the land as they await for the legal process to reveal the true owner of the above land.

Letters of Administration

High Court Family Division Judge, Ketrah Katunguka on 19th July 2019, signed the letters of Administration , granting Kayongo Hassan (son) , Ntanzi Jamil (son) , Settuba George (son) , Nassimbwa Hanifa (daughter) and Nambalirwa Masitula (daughter) of Busulwa Asuman powers to administer the estate of their deceased father.

Hassan Kayongo (heir of the late Asuman Busulwa) showing off part of the contested land.

Resident District Commissioner (RDC) speaks out

Nsubuga Shafik Ali , the Deputy Resident District Commissioner for Nansana Municipality in an interview revealed that he knows the matter and he has been a mediator In the said matter for over three times and later referred it to other offices for further management.

“The late Hajji Asuman Busulwa Salongo had land developed with houses at Kawempe Ttula and stayed on it until he got interruptions from land grabbers… Any assistance rendered to this family by a way of enjoying a quiet and peaceful possession of their land will be deeply appreciated.” Reads part of RDC’s letter to commissioner land Registration dated 27th November 2023.

The RDC also noted that sometime back, they had visited the locus with Prime Minister Robbinah Nabbanja in a fact finding meeting. “We learnt that there was a group which alleges to have bought the land from to the late Ssalongo Busulwa and later took over the land thereby locking his family out of the land for over 20 years now. She contributed five million shillings to renovate the house.”

That later on , one of the parties came up with land title but without instrument number and transfer details which prompted the RDC to write to the commissioner of land requesting him for more details in that land.

Nsubuga also noted that he cleared the opening of boundaries and fencing of the land after being shown the land titles, but he was surprised to hear that those who did it went an extra mile of demolishing the house located on the same land which wasn’t even mentioned about in his instructions.

Action to be taken

The RDC has vowed to use the available legal procedures to ensure that all those involved in demolition of the house face the law.

“There was no demolition order that was brought to my attention and the whole security committee. Whoever ordered for the demolition did it on his/her own.”

The RDC has promised to order the status quo on the land to remain as it is to allow the law to take its course in establishing the rightful owner of the land.

“In the meantime Police is going to be deployed to guard the area, I call upon the family members not to be stubborn by interfering with the process. Secondly the other party should also respect this decision.”

Shafik Ali Nsubuga, Deputy RDC Nansana Municipality giving his side on the matter.

Background of the matter

According to the information before RDC’s office, these wrangles started like 30 years back

The land located on block 500 plot 15 at

Ttula Cell, Maganjo ward in Nabweru Division, Nansana Municipality belonged to Ssalongo Asuman Busulwa.

He bought it in 1973 at seven thousand shillings from the John Mary Ssayimba the first registered proprietor under instrument KLA 49123 and it was transferred to later George Busulwa under instrument KLA 69075

Busulwa in 1977 changed the names from George to Asuman after swearing an affidavit and changed the land title under instrument number KLA 107184.

That in 1987 had a problem with paying school fees for his children at Kawempe Muslim High School and decided to

Sell part of the land to raise school fees.

That he sold the land some individuals who didn’t pay him (defrauded him) and later on kidnapped him which left his family worried that he had been killed.

Later on after President Museveni’s intervention , he was released and revived the battle to regain his land. He didn’t finish the battle , but his children took over where he ended the battle thus resulting into the instant case.