Unemployment remains a major challenge (a time bomb) in our society/country as Tertiary Institutions keep on churning out annually hundreds of thousands of graduates for the few and yet gradually dwindling ready-made jobs.
Hence Education is no longer that key which as it used to be said would open doors for Ready-Made bountiful success! Rather it is now just a key to a Map for one to find one’s bearing in pursuit of the imperative Self-Made Success.
Incidentally up until now, school/formal education has failed to effectively empower learners to become zealous JOB-CREATORS (Confident/Courageous, Doers) rather than JOB-SEEKERS (Simple Capable/Competent, Dreamers) despite reiterating the issue and the numerous interventions applied e.g. modifying the curriculum, imparting skills, provision of physical incentives, etc.
The functional Entrepreneurs we all know are and continue to be the so-called “school dropouts” or non-schooled fellows altogether! This raises a big question as to what could be the MISSING – LINK in our education system.
The answer lies in the introduction of a revolutionary approach (inspiration) to Activate The Hidden Winning Power within an individual (Empowerment of the Heart), a process that is referred to as SELF-DISCOVERY. It is a powerful stimulus or energizer (awakening the dormant giant/genius in oneself to rise from zero to hero ) which is permissible to all and yet unique to every individual accordingly. While Education enables / enhances taking action, Inspiration ignites / initiates taking such action.
Teaching /Training
(Regular) Learning, Imitating & Complying
Touching /Inspiring
(Radical) Yearning, Innovating & Coping
However, despite its potential benefit, Self-discovery remains an ignored subject due to its odd and non-academic nature.
N.B. We should remember that in life there are things that are needed in just tiny proportions yet have quite a huge impact (Cornerstone), e.g:- CATALYSTS in chemical reactions, HORMONES in our bodies, VACCINES in disease control, ADDITIVES in cookery and now SELF-DISCOVERY (A spark) for personal empowerment!
Imagine all resources vested in a learner ultimately going to waste if he / she ends up with no job over a simple issue of omission of a basic vital requirement! “A stitch in time saves nine – Prevention is better than cure”.
We continue pointing an accusing finger at so many other things, blaming them for our failure to succeed in life yet it’s simply our lack of personal initiative. Such a mind-set must be corrected outright as we make individuals aware of their undeniable responsibility to transform their own lives, no matter their situation.
Ref to Nick Vujicic, www.lifewithoutlimbs.org (you tube).
Against all odds, we are all capable of getting what we want given the right attitude. No matter who you are and what you do, you only need to; AQUIRE MOTIVATION AND SECURE SUCCESS (AMASS)
On top of the abundant knowledge and skills received during their study, students should finish school empowered with vibrant STAMINA (Strong Will) to undertake innovative approaches for SELF-EMPLOYMENT alongside other possible options. That objective can only be achieved via continuous steadfast inspiration and persuasion. It takes a brave heart to become an Entrepreneur.
Therefore, Teaching/Instructing and Touching/Inspiring i.e. enabling and energizing respectively should hence forth go hand in hand. In that regard, I have authored some concise SELF-DISCOVERY HAND BOOKS for lifelong learning that are already approved by the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) to inspire anyone interested in achieving their personal aspirations.
These user friendly Manuals are quite readable and affordable. In addition I conduct Passionate Motivational Talks and Seminars on that subject. Details are available on www.easytograspandapply.com
The writer, FRANCIS X.G. LUYERA is an Educationist & Career Development Activist.
Tel. 0772 457251 / 0701 457251 Email: luyerafrancis@yahoo.com
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