Dr. Mukiza has urged individuals who have not been enumerated to Contact their LCs

KAMPALA-As we are left with four days to conclude the 2024 National Housing and Population Census , Dr. Chris Mukiza , the Executive Director of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has urged all those individuals who think that they could have been left out of the exercise to report the matter to their local authorities for immediate action.

Dr. Chris Mukiza , Executive Director UBOS addressing the press at Media Center Kampala (Courtesy photo)

On addressing journalists at the media center in Kampala on Thursday, Mukiza emphasized it that although they have the capacity to cover the whole country in the gazetted days, they are ready to address any issolated case that may occur with in tge exercise.

“Any individual who has not been counted, should speak out, reach out to the LC1 Chairperson and committee and make appointments with them or call UBOS so that we can send there Enumerators. We have stand by Enumerators who are experts that will comb up all these areas.” Mukiza remarked

The Executive Director also pointed out that despite of some challenges experienced at the commencement of the exercise, they have been able to catch up with the required speed by capturing atleast 1.3 million households per day. “For those areas were Enumerators started late due to number of issues, we didn’t count that day , if by 19th May 2024 they have not finished, they will pay that day.” Mukiza added

Hon Amos Lugolobi, the state Minsiter for Finance in charge of Planning, at the same occasion reported that payments for 63 districts ( that shared lists of the enumerators) have so far been effected for districts and we call upon other districts to share their enumerators data so that they can also be paid.

“On a sad note, in the first 3 days of enumeration, we lost two enumerators. The late Ssali Emmanuel of Najeera B, Kira Municipality was attacked and beaten by a gang on his way home after enumeration. He was rushed to the hospital where he breathed his last. The tablet and his phone were recovered where he was found lying helpless.”

The Minister also pointed the other case where another enumerator by the names of Tibiwa Annet from Namayingo district died after registering signs of illness & she was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. “The Bureau condoles with the family of the deceased & prays that their souls may rest in eternal peace.”

Lugolobi also noted that for a simplified exercise, the questionnaire has been translated to 21 local languages and this will grant Enumerators an opportunity to interview respondents in a language best understood.