DPP Commends staff in Regional Offices

KABALE – This week, the top Management team of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), led by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo, made official visits to ODPP offices in the Kabale Region.

DPP Jane Frances Abodo checking on the files in one of the Regional offices

During this tour of duty, the team paid a visit to the Resident State Attorney offices in Kanungu, Rukungiri, Kisoro, Kabale and the Kabale Regional Office.

The purpose of these visits was to ensure effective and efficient prosecution service delivery, maintain uniformity and consistency in service provision, and ensure accountability for resources provided to staff, as well as to address any challenges faced by the offices.

During the visits, the DPP commended the staff in these offices for their excellent work and mentorship of the new State Attorneys. She also confirmed her commitment to addressing the prevailing challenges.

The DPP was accompanied by Mr. John Baptist Asiimwe, Deputy DPP for Management Support Services; Mr. George William Byansi, Deputy DPP for Inspection, Quality Assurance, Research, and Training; Ms. Viola Tucungwirwe, Principal Policy Analyst; Mr. Edward Muhumuza, Chief State Attorney; Ms. Adrine Asingwire, Chief State Attorney; and Ms. Jacquelyn Okui, Public Relations Officer.