Debating competitions will improve on Uganda’s Legislative capacity – Grace Munduru

KAMPALA– Key players in the civil society Organizations have expressed the need to empower young people with quality debating skills for Uganda’s sustainable development.

Mercy Grace Munduru, the Chief guest at the Grand Finale of Elle Parle Women’s Open 2024 (Courtesy photo)

At the grand finale of Elle Parle Women’s Open 2024 held at Fairway Hotel Kampala on Sunday , the Chief Guest Mercy Grace Munduru, the Programs and Fundraising manager at Action Aid International Uganda pointed out , that Uganda has a deficit when it comes to quality and in depth debate (both within and outside Parliament) which affects decision making and resource allocation process.

“It is reflected in the way we budget and develop our country in general.There are critical issues that need response informed by thoughts , research or being backed up by evidence. But on many occasions, we allow politicization and partisan politics to take over our reasoning.”  Remarked Munduru

She gave an example of the budgetary phase, where majority of the legislators in Uganda give in their opinions to budgetary committee without conducting any research or consulting their constituents.

“There are many projects under taken by the government but have not been largely successful because they are implemented without any in depth research. However good the project may appear, it can’t be successful when its out of touch with the reality.”


Munduru revealed that during the debating process, young people were allowed to do research , exercise their own thoughts and opinions on key issues.

“If as a country we get a breed of leaders who have been deliberately nurtured in terms of how to think , how to research , how to apply evidence in their decision making process, we shall develop our country to the required standard.”

Munduru further added that the debating competitions proved that the

Participants are nurtured to become reliable citizens whose debating skills are not controlled by emotions, political parties or transactions.

Isabella Akite delivering her key note address on Sunday.

Isabella Akite , the key note speaker called people to always think globally in addressing problems within their communities. “By acting locally and addressing development issues in our communities, with a global perspective, we can create a ripple effect that resonates widely.”

She also asked everyone with challenges in life to always reflect on them, because its only way through which they can find solutions

Shakira Nakalema , the team leader commended Action Aid International Uganda, Vijana Corps, Memprow and organizing committee for having worked tirelessly in ensuring the success of debating competitions.

The winners:

The Winners of Elle Parle 2024 Debate Track was Team Robinah  Nabbanja , represented by Ayebare Denise and Birungi Prima.

These were awarded a trophy as a token of appreciation.

Debate ran under a theme: SANKOFA; The Power of affirming inner voice.

The activities of the day included; Debate, Public Speaking and a Panel Discussion.