Cross Cultural Foundation Awards 7 Heritage Promoters

Heritage promoters awarded

A total of Seven (7) heritage promoters and conservationists have been awarded by the Cross Cultural Foundation Uganda (CCFU) during the 5th National Heritage Awards.

The awards which are aimed at appreciating the contribution of individuals, institutions, families and organizations that have promoted and preserved the country’s cultural heritage were organised at Ham Mukasa historical residence.

According to CCFU Executive Director, Barbra Babweteera, the awards identify and promote best practices in the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and increase public awareness and appreciation of Uganda’s cultural heritage.

“The awards encourage further excellent initiatives through exemplar cases as these awarded. This is the 5th edition of the Heritage Awards, that were initiated in 2013,” Babweteera said.

So far 21 awardees have been presented to various individuals, families and institutions that have been at the fore of heritage promotion.

This year’s awards saw three winners under the Tangible heritage category including; the Ankole Diocese in Mbarara for establishing the East African revival Museum, Hana Longole of Moroto for her lead role in the establishment and management of the Ateker Cultural Centre in Moroto and the College of Health Sciences at Makerere University that has preserved rare medical records at Albert Cook Library.

The following were the winners under the Intangible Heritage Awards Category; Francis Walakira Family located a renown royal drum makers who have passed on the knowledge and the rear skills to generations, Judith Bakirya of Jinja for conserving and promoting indigenous/herbal medicine and Dr. Mercy Mirembe Ntangaare for promoting oral literature and traditional music.

Bismac Amumpaire a former NBS TV reporter won the media heritage award for consistently reporting on cultural heritage promotion and involving in practical work regarding culture’s contribution to environmental conservation.

The EU Ambassador to Uganda, Jan Sadek promised that EU will continue to support initiatives that seek to promote and preserve culture.

Sadek said that, “We all need to promote cultural heritage since it is a shared source of remembrance, understanding, identity, dialogue, cohesion and creativity.

The award winners were given a plaque as well as a dummy Cheque worth Shs2.5m.