Court upholds 30 years sentence for an 81 year Defilement convict

KAMPALA-The three justices of Appeal led by Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera, have upheld the 30 year jail sentence which was handed to Kabogere Patrick by High Court after finding him guilty of defiling three toddlers.

According to evidence on court record,on the 26th day of August 2013 at Ibaare II cell Kiruhura district, Patrick had unlawful sexual intercourse with three minors; NP aged 1l years, NF aged 7 years and NJ aged 4 years.

He was prosecuted at High court sitting in Mbarara district and basing on evidence presented to court including the medical reports which indicated that its true the toddlers were defiled, Patrick after five years in jail was convicted and sentenced to 30 years imprisonment.

Basing not satisfied with the High Court decision, he filed an appeal challenging the sentence which he described to be harsh as well as the Judge’s failure to reduce the period he had spent on remand.

After hearing and analyzing the submissions from both sides , the justices of appeal namely; Richard Buteera , Christopher Gashirabake and Oscar Kihika upheld the sentence by the lower court.

“We find that the trial Judge did not indicate the final sentence meted out to the appellant after deducting the period spent on remand. We shall deduct the period of 5 years, 1 month and 18 days spent on remand from the sentence of 30 years meted out to the appellant.” Justice ruled in the lead judgement.

Therefore the appellant will serve a sentence of 24 years, 10 months and 12 days with effect from 6″ November 2018 being the date of conviction.