Nakawa Chief Magistrate Ritah Neumbe Kidasa has set 14 Sept 2023 to hear Human Rights Enforcement Application against Enforcement of Compulsory Vehicle Tracking devices which was filed by City Lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka.

According to the hearing notice , the matter will be heard at 11.00am.
In this case, Mabirizi seeks court to declare that subjecting every motor vehicle and motor cycle to mandatory fitting of tracking devices at the
owners’ cost infringes upon, derogate and/or threaten the Applicant’s and other Uganda Citizens’ Fundamental and inherent Rights to Property and Privacy guaranteed under Articles 26 &27(2) in Chapter Four of the Constitution.
“An An order nullifying/invalidating/setting aside all directives , decisions and actions persuant to , in persuance of and in relation to subjecting every motor vehicle and motor cycle to mandatory fitting of tracking devices at the owners’ cost.”

Mabirizi also applied for a permanent injunction restraining Ministry of Works and Transport, Uganda Revenue Authority and the entire Government of Uganda against taking any further step on this matter.
“An order that the Respondents jointly and severally pay General,exemplary and aggravated damages to the applicant for inconvenience and anguish suffered, an order that the Respondents jointly and severally pay the costs of this application to the Applicant and an order that the Applicant be awarded interest on both damages and Costs.”
About the programme
State Minster for Works and Transport Hon Fred Byamukama towards the end of June announced that this programme which was supposed to commence at the beginning of June had been postponed due to orders of Inspectorate General of Government (IGG) and contractor’s failure to deliver the consignment.
On July 23rd 2021 , Ministry of Works and Transport together with the Ministry of Security, acting on behalf of the government of Uganda, contracted M/S Joint Stock Company Global Security (JSCGS) on July 23, 2021 as suppliers of digital number plates embedded which surveillance chips under the envisaged Intelligent Transport Monitoring System.
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