
Court of Appeal Set to hold First Upcountry Civil Appeals Session

KAMPALA– The Court of Appeal is, for the first time, set to hold an upcountry Civil Appeals and Applications session.

Court of Appeal Building in Kampala (Courtesy photo)

The session will take place in Gulu, beginning on September 25 and concluding on September 27, 2024, where 22 civil appeals and applications will be heard.

It will be presided over by Justice Fredrick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende, Justice Cheborion Barishaki, and Justice Christopher Gashirabake.

According to the cause list, signed by the Court’s Registrar, HW Rukundo Allen Owembabazi indicates that Land-related claims dominate the matters to be handled during the session with 16 appeals.

Other claims involve Trespass, Setting Aside Orders of the High Court, Damages, General Damages, Stays of Execution, Interim Measures, Contract Disputes, Validation of Appeals, Stays of Proceedings, and Striking out Notices of Appeal.

Following this session, the Court will continue holding upcountry Civil Appeals and Applications sessions in other parts of the country, with a session expected in Mbarara next quarter.










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