Court issues timelines in case about Justice Amoko’s burrial

High court Family Division judge Hon. Justice Ketrah Kitariisibwa Katunguka has given a schedule which will be followed by the two parties in application seeking to change the place where the fallen Supreme Court Justice Stella Arach Amoko will be laid to rest.

Justice Amoko’s Children laying a wreath on her casket during the Requiem mass held on Wednesday (Photos by Judiciary)

In this matter some the Amoko’s relatives , Amoko’s biological children are seeking orders from court to have the deceased burried in Nebbi as per her wish instead of Adjumani as her husband had wished in the official burrial program.

The applicants in this matter are Annet Yossa, Komakech Emmanuel, Amoni Jackie , Picho Godfrey (brother) and Christine Onyok (sister) Vs Ambassador Idule Amoko (husband) and the Attorney (Respondents).

These timelines were agreed upon in court by the applicants’ lawyers
Stanley Okecho and Pius
Katumba Busobozi in absence of the respondents’ lawyers on Thursday this week.

“The Application shall be served on the Respondents by 10:00 am on 23d June 2023; The Respondents shall file their respective replies by 12:30 p.m on 23d June 2023; The matter shall proceed by oral testimony.”

Widower Ambassador Idule Amoko laying a wreath on the fallen Lady Justice’s casket.

It was further agreed upon that the matter will be heard in court at 3.30 pm on Friday 23rd June 2023.


The contraversy broke out this week as Some of Justice Amoko’s family members brought it to attention of the mourners that before her death at Nakasero Hospital , she made an oral will ordering them to burry her in Nebbi close to where his father was burried.

This was supported by testimony of the deceased’s brother Godfrey Picho, her sister Christine Onyok Oling, and her Niece Nancy Okwong

In the meeting which was held at office of the President for burrial preparations some of these people who received instructions from the deceased didn’t attend and it was agreed that she will be laid to rest in Adjumani District and this was clearly indicated on the burrial program.

However this decision was later on challenged thus leading to halting of the burrial exercise which had been scheduled for Friday untill further notice when the whole issue has been fully resolved.


Lady Justice Stella Arach Amoko (69) has been married to Ambassador Idule Amoko and have been surviving with children.

She served in Judiciary ever since 1997 untill when she passed away. Amoko served in various courts at various levels untill when she was appointed to the highest court of Uganda ( Supreme Court).