Chil Femtech Center Introduces E-Health Solution to Schools, Providing Girls with Access to Hygiene Products and Digital Health Resources

Dr. Shamim Nabuuma, CEO of Chil Femtech Center, passionately shares her vision for the newly launched E-Hygiene Shop program, revolutionizing girls’ health and education in Africa by combining e-health solutions with essential hygiene products.

KAMPALA – Chil Femtech Center, a pioneering telemedicine service provider, has announced the expansion of its groundbreaking E-Hygiene Shop program to schools, promoting a healthy learning environment for all.

“We believe every learner in Africa deserves a healthy learning environment,” said Dr. Shamim Nabuuma, CEO of Chil Femtech Center. “Our E-Hygiene Shop program bridges the gap in basic hygiene supplies, ensuring learners stay healthy and focused in school.”

The innovative program offers learners access to essential hygiene products, including reusable sanitary pads, on a credit basis. Amina, a 14-year-old beneficiary, shared her experience: “It was difficult to keep clean during my menstrual days, but thanks to the E-Hygiene Shop, I can attend school every day with confidence.”

Dr. Nabuuma emphasized the program’s impact: “Beyond providing necessary products, we’re empowering girls to manage their periods with dignity, boosting their self-esteem and participation in school activities.”

Chil Femtech Center is committed to the program’s long-term success, working with partners and schools to ensure learners’ privacy, raise awareness about menstrual hygiene practices, and develop a robust credit system for ongoing growth.

“Join us in supporting the E-Hygiene Shop program,” Dr. Nabuuma encouraged. “Together, we can empower learners to reach their full potential!”

Juliette Namakula | Assistant Editor: