Finance Minister Matia Kasaija notes down the measures gov't has put in place to curb the rising prices. Among them...
MASAKA — St. Henry's College Kitovu (SHACK) has announced plans to establish community skilling center that will see female students...
Muhakanizi (R) appearing before Cosase. On his right is Ocailap (PHOTO /Courtesy) The former Secretary to the Treasury (PSST), Keith...
The United Bank for Africa (UBA) redeems USD500 million 5-year Eurobond The United Bank for Africa Plc (“UBA” or the...
Mercy Kainobwisho Leadership Award KAMPALA — Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) Registrar General, Mercy K. Kainobwisho has won the inaugural...
A PDM data collector interviews a respondent in Wabunyonyi Sub-county in Nakasongola District The Parish Development Model (PDM) Baseline data...
The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development has cancelled Prof Minaz Karmali's land title in Namanve Forest Reserve (PHOTO...
UPDF officers (in uniform) checking health of young men who turned up for UPDF infantry rercuitment exercise on sunday at...
Finance minister Matia Kasaija is on Tuesday, June 14,2022, expected to read a Shs48.1 trillion Budget that was passed by...
Elderly Maasai man wounded in the military attack on protesters (PHOTO /Survival) Thousands of Maasai people have fled their homes...
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