NAMIREMBE– The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, The Most Rev Dr Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu on Wednesday launched Church of Uganda’s focus month of children, with baptism of twenty two children at Sanyu Babies home in Mengo, Kampala.

“The Church of Uganda is putting faith in action and taking a leading role in supporting, encouraging and promoting actions among Christians and the general public to become ambassadors for ending violence against children.” Archbishop Kaziimba said.
According to Archbishop Kaziimba, the Church has power and influence to change harmful social norms and practices that perpetuate violence against children in the community by speaking out against all forms of Violence Against Children within congregations and communities.
He called for integration of violence prevention education in all church programmes and education institutions, including early childhood education centers (pre-school), youth groups, pre-marital counselling, bible studies, and encouraging positive discipline of children within families and communities.
On 29th April,2021, the Provincial assembly standing committee sitting at Lweza Training Conference Centre, resolved to have a month of Children every year that focuses on spiritual nurture, care and support through promoting, restoring and protecting children at every level within the home, the church and our communities.
This year, November was designated as the commemoration month under the theme ,“A united society free from child violence”. The theme is in line with the Church of Uganda Provincial theme “United for Service and Growth” Eph. 4:11-16.
Rev. Richard Rukundo, the youths and students coordinator for Church of Uganda noted that Children have been exposed to physical, psychological and sexual abuse exposing them to violations such as defilement, child marriage, child sacrifice and other forms of mutilation, child labour, child neglect, child trafficking, gender based violence among others.
He decried the vulnerability of most children to violence because of limited information and the capacity to participate in protecting themselves while living in non-regulated environments.
He called for increased participation of the Church leaders and members in prayer, support, care and advocacy for ending all forms of violence against children in Uganda.
“I call for active participation in compassion programmes not only limited to vulnerable children who have experienced conflict, climate change effects, but also within shelters for orphans and others who require foster care, adoption and other social protection services.” Rev. Rukundo said.
He added, “There should be increased public intolerance for injustices within structures, cultures or norms negatively affecting children. I also call for partnership with other like-minded actors to spearhead the safe guarding information and interventions for children in Uganda.”
According to Rev. Rukundo, during this year’s children’s month, the Church of Uganda looks forward to increasing media engagements and amplifying voices of Church leaders and members in advocating for ending all forms of violence against children in Uganda.
There will also be Workshops for Church and Organs Leaders (Mothers Union, Fathers Union, Christian Women Fellowship) on Parenting, Family Care, Child Protection and safeguarding.
The Church will also designate a Prayer Sunday for Children and strengthen Schools Ministry targeting Children’s participation in developing values, character transformation and life skills in campaigns against violence.
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