
A Foreign Minister on the run can’t represent us, Besigye, MPs blast Sam Kuteesa over UN row

Dr. Kizza Besigye, a prominent opposition leader, points an accusing finger at Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa, as the two engage in a heated debate over corruption allegations. Besigye has been vocal in his criticism of Kutesa's tenure as UN General Assembly President, accusing him of soliciting bribes and abusing his office. The tension between the two is palpable, reflecting the deep divisions within Uganda's political landscape

Dr. Kizza Besigye, a prominent opposition leader, points an accusing finger at Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa, as the two engage in a heated debate over corruption allegations. Besigye has been vocal in his criticism of Kutesa’s tenure as UN General Assembly President, accusing him of soliciting bribes and abusing his office. The tension between the two is palpable, reflecting the deep divisions within Uganda’s political landscape

Kampala, Uganda – Dr. Kizza Besigye, a prominent opposition leader, has joined a group of MPs in criticizing Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa, accusing him of being the primary cause of Uganda’s problems with the United Nations. According to Besigye and the legislators, Kutesa’s tarnished image is the reason the UN is considering relocating its regional base to Nairobi.

The UN recently recommended Nairobi as an alternative host in a report to its Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), citing Entebbe as the current regional base. President Museveni wrote in protest, arguing that relocating the base to Nairobi would be unfair despite the friendly relations between the two countries.

During a parliamentary debate, some MPs labeled the UN as “ingrates” for failing to acknowledge Uganda’s efforts in regional peacekeeping, despite the country’s significant contributions. However, Dr. Besigye argues that Uganda’s problems with the UN are directly linked to Foreign Minister Kutesa, who has been accused of corruption and abuse of office during his tenure as UN General Assembly President.

“We are our own enemies!” Besigye exclaimed. “Can a Foreign Minister indicted for corruption and abuse of UN office persuade the same UN that Uganda is a good host country?”

Other MPs, including Francis Mwijukye and Odonga Otto, echoed Besigye’s sentiments, stating that Kutesa’s alleged corruption and international wanted status make him an unsuitable representative for Uganda in international negotiations.

Kutesa has been accused of soliciting a $500,000 bribe from Chinese investors, among other allegations, which has led to calls for his removal or extradition to face charges.

The controversy has sparked a heated debate in Uganda, with some defending Kutesa and others demanding accountability for his actions. The outcome of this situation remains to be seen, but it has undoubtedly strained Uganda’s relations with the UN and raised questions about the country’s leadership on the international stage.


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