KAMPALA — Dei Minerals International, Mr. Mathias Magoola has initiated a defamation case against the Igara East Member of Parliament Michael Mawanda, alleging malicious falsehoods through the media.
This website has seen documents and letters on court record that TASKK Advocates, Mr. Magoola’s lawyers have written to MP Mawanda over alleged defamatory and frivolous media stories, noting that his reputation as businessmen has been shattered beyond repair.
“The integrity and credibility built by the plaintiff through his vast nature of both external and internal financiers, investors, chentele, employees, relatives, friends, in laws during a span of time was shattered due to authoring, editing and publishing of frivolous, fictitious and concocted stories against him,” lawyers wrote.
Mr Mawanda, together with former lands minister Isaac Musumba, claimed that Mr. Magoola had refused to pay them in a different matter where the trio are entitled to some compensation from an Indian firm.
The allegations have since been dismissed in court, as inaccurate.
Mr. Magoola has also demanded punitive and exemplary damages, reasoning that Mr. Mawanda alongside other defendants ignored a notice of intention to sue which was duly served to them.
“….Consequently, our client has suffered emotional pain, anguish and suffering and has been put to great embarrassment, grief, mental anguish and ridicule in addition to causing him to limit interactions with his peers, contemporaries, business partners and colleagues in order for him to avoid contempt and ridicule that he suffers when amongst them,” lawyers wrote, claiming that:
“This emotional suffering has caused him to suffer stress and affected his moods and behavior in a depressing manner”.
Magoola through lawyers has also demanded an apology for the alleged falsehoods published against him, retract the same and further compensate him for the pain, described above, that you occasioned him now estimated in the sum of UGX 2,000,000,000 (Uganda Shillings two billion).
The High Court has since directed Mr. Mawanda to file a defence in the said suit within fifteen (15) days from the date of service of summons on him in the manner prescribed under Order 9 Rule 1 Civil Procedures Rules.
“SHOULD YOU FAIL to file a Defence on or before the date mentioned, the Plaintiff may proceed with the suit and judgment may be given in your absence,” High Court Registrar wrote.
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