Othembi hands over LDC office, calls for team work

The former Director of Law Development Centre (LDC), Mr. Frank Nigel Othembi has on Tuesday handed over office to the new Director, Dr. Pamela Tibihikirra-Kalyegira at the occasion which took place at the Director’s office at Kampala Campus.

Mr. Othembi (Left) handing over office to Dr. Tibihikirra on Tuesday. (Courtesy photo)

Mr Othembi welcomed Dr. Tibihikirra and congratulated her upon becoming the next Director of Law Development Centre. He urged the Heads of Department and other staff who attended the function to continue working with excellence.

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. As a team, if you have a weak link, the entire chain will collapse. I urge you all to continue working as a team and give support to the new Director.”

In her maiden speech, Tbihikkira said that she is looking forward to working together with the team. She urged the staff to work towards taking LDC to greater heights.

Members of top management who attended the ceremony include: Mr Hamis Ddungu Lukyamuzi, Secretary/ Head, Human Resource and Administration, Mrs Annette Karungi Mutabingwa, Head Bar Course, Mr Joseph Semugabi, Head, Library, Mr Sylvester Henry Wambuga, Assistant Director, Kampala Campus, Ms. Racheal Lubowa, Assistant Director, Mbarara Campus, Mr. Herbert Walusimbi, Assistant Director, Lira Campus, Ms. Nancy Masendi, incoming Assistant Director, Mbale Campus and Ms Gillian Tumushabe, Executive Assistant to the Director.

On May 7th , 2024, the governing committee of LDC led by its Chairperson , justice Paul Kahaibale Mugamba, appointed Dr. Pamela Tibihikira Kalyegira as the new Director for the above institution, replacing Frank Nigel Othembi whose tenure ended in April 2024 , having served in that position for 12 years.

Who is Tibihikirra

She holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from Makerere University, Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Centre, Master of Laws in Public International Law (Merit) from the London School of Economics and a Doctorate in Juridical Science (SJD) from Indiana University, Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana, USA where she studied as a Fulbright Scholar.

She was enrolled as an Advocate of the High Court of Uganda in 1999 and she has practiced commercial law in Uganda. She worked in the field of public international law with organizations in West and South Africa prior to embarking on an academic career.

She served as a member of the LDC Management Committee from 2010 to 2016.

Tebihikira also served as a Dean, Faculty of Law Uganda Christian University, Director Quality Assurance and Accreditation at the National Council for Higher Education and most recently, Chairperson of Uganda Law Reform Commission.